This product is not assigned an expiration date. It is assigned a recommended retest date of approximately 10 months after the quality release date. A recommended retest date is the period of time during which the product is expected to remain within established stability specifications, provided that it has been stored under defined conditions. After the Retest Date, product samples should be examined to ensure that the product is still in compliance with the established specifications. For more information, you may access the "Product Dating Information" document under "ADDITIONAL USEFUL DOCUMENTS ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS" at the bottom of the Quality Services page with this link:
Fontos dokumentumok
Freund′s Adjuvant, Incomplete
Méret kiválasztása
22 200,00 Ft
Méret kiválasztása
About This Item
22 200,00 Ft
Javasolt termékek
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kapcsolódó termék
Tárolási osztály kódja
10 - Combustible liquids
Lobbanási pont (F)
Not applicable
Lobbanási pont (C)
Not applicable
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Az ügyfelek ezeket is megtekintették
Antibodies combine with specific antigens to generate an exclusive antibody-antigen complex. Learn about the nature of this bond and its use as a molecular tag for research.
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Access high-quality reagents for antibody workflows, including adjuvants, blocking reagents, conjugation kits, and more.
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