Eshmuno® CP-FT 充填剤は、フロースルーモードでmAb凝集体を効率的に除去できるため、従来の結合・溶出モードのCEXクロマトグラフィーの10倍のローディング容量が得られます。これにより、ダウンストリームのmAb精製にかかる総コストを削減しながらプロセスを強化できます。
Eshmuno® CPS充填剤は、高塩濃度で組換えタンパク質フィードストリームの高い動的結合能と分離効率を実現します。そのため、導電率の高いフィードストリーム(導電率≥10 mS/cm)を直接ロードできるため、希釈の必要性が少なくなります。
Eshmuno® CPX充填剤は、mAbモノマーを凝集体やHCPを含むその他の不純物から効果的に分離できます。 極めて優れたダイナミック結合能によって、プロセス中間体を高分解能で精製し、非常に高い生産性をもたらします。
Eshmuno® HCX充填剤は、タンパク質を迅速かつ効率的に直接キャプチャーできるため、高塩濃度での一般的なイオン交換・フロースルーアプリケーションで非常に高い性能を発揮します。
Eshmuno® S は、組換えタンパク質の直接キャプチャーと、プロテインAキャプチャー後の迅速で効率的なmAb精製に適した強陽イオン交換(CEX)充填剤です。
Eshmuno® Qは極めて優れたダイナミックな結合能によって、一般的な陰イオン交換フロースルーアプリケーションにおいて卓越した不純物除去を実現する強陰イオン充填剤です。
Fractogel®EMD IEXクロマトグラフィー充填剤
Fractogel® 強陰イオン交換体
- Fractogel® EMD TMAE (S) 充填剤
- Fractogel® EMD TMAE (M) 充填剤
- Fractogel® EMD TMAE Hicap (M) 充填剤
- Fractogel® EMD TMAE Medcap (M) 充填剤
Fractogel® 弱陰イオン交換体
Fractogel® 強陽イオン交換体
Fractogel® 弱陽イオン交換体
- Biochromatography Portfolio
Bulk Resin, Membranes and Prepacked Columns
- Chromatography Purification Selection
Protein A Affinity Chromatography Options
- Eshmuno® CMX Resin
A highly selective mixed mode chromatography resin for difficult to purify mAbs, ADCs and fusion proteins
- Eshmuno® CP‑FT Resin
A cation exchange resin specifically developed for the flow-through removal of aggregates using frontal chromatography
- Eshmuno® CPS
High capacity and salt tolerance for recombinant protein purification
- Eshmuno® CPX
Efficient impurity removal and strong binding capacity at high flow rates
- Eshmuno® HCX Media
New, high salt-tolerant multi-mode chromatography resin
- Eshmuno® S Resin for Superior Downstream mAB Purification
For superior downstream mAB purification
- Eshmuno® Q Resin for Efficient AEX Chromatography
Eshmuno® Q resin is a strong anion exchange (AEX) resin, coupling our renowned tentacle structure with a hydrophilic polyvinyl ether base matrix
- Fractogel® Chromatography Resin
Fractogel® resins consist of synthetic methacrylate based polymeric beads providing excellent pressure stability resulting in high flow rates
- Robocolumn® and Minichrom Chromatography Columns
Small-scale prepacked chromatography columns for rapid process development, method optimization, parameter screening and sample preparation
- Animation: Separation of Low or Too High DAR Antibody Drug Conjugate Species
A highly selective mixed mode chromatography resin for difficult to purify mAbs, ADCs and fusion proteins.
- mAbsizer™ Calculator
The mAbsizer™ Calculator estimates the quantity of MilliporeSigma products required to express, purify, and formulate a mAb effectively.
- Viral Clearance in Antibody Purification Using Tentacle Ion Exchangers
Manufacturers strive toward cost-effective purification of target molecules and a high level of confidence that their biologics are safe and not compromised by the presence of endogenous retrovirus-like particles or adventitious viruses.
- Bioprocessing Technology Trends of RNA-based Therapeutics and Vaccines
This article reviews the current dynamics in the RNA therapeutics/vaccines market as well as differences between small-interfering RNA (siRNA), RNA interference (RNAi), microRNA (miRNA), and messenger RNA (MRNA).
- RNA-Based Therapeutics and Vaccines
New Technologies Are Emerging to Overcome Challenges Associated with Toxicity and Drug Delivery.
- ADC Separation Using a Mixed Mode Cation Exchange Chromatography Step in a mAb Process
The aim of this technical note is to provide a description of the steps followed and considerations taken during the development of antibody drug conjugate separation using a mixed mode cation exchange chromatography step.
- Intensified Polishing Using Single-pass Tangential Flow Filtration (SPTFF) with Anion Exchange Chromatography
The bioprocessing industry is interested in Next Generation Processes with higher flexibility, lower costs, and higher product quality.
- Eshmuno® CMX Application Note on Glycovariant Separation Including for COVID-19
The aim of this technical note is to provide a description of the capture and subsequent purification of glycoproteins.
- Development Strategy for a Cation Exchange (CEX) Chromatography Step in a Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Process
The aim of this technical note is to provide a description of the steps followed and considerations taken during the development of a CEX chromatography step in a mAb process.