Food behavior disorderes (high fat diet) and systematic strong drinks use could be the most important causes of excess intake of intestinal endotoxin (ET) in circulation (endotoxin aggression development) and induction of inflammation. In this work we investigated antiendotoxin immunity activity, ET level and some biochemical parameters in two group of patients, which were treated with orlistat or medical starvation. We suggest that lipid component of food takes a part in mechanism of ET delivery in bloodstream and its recycling in hydrophobic form. High serum ET level in obesity patients could be direct corollary of excess fat intake and strong drinks use. It provides increased lipid absorption in circulation. Fatty tissue could be depot of ET hydrophobic form in organism. We also suggest that lipid mechanism takes a part in ET deposition in bloodstream. Prolonged starvation and anorexia leads to development inflammatory changing like systematic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).