Yes, product UFC5010, the Amicon Ultra 2.0 for samples of 0.5 - 2.0 mL, will accommodate a 1.5 mL sample size. Please see the link below to review this product option:
Amicon® Ultra Centrifugal Filter, 10 kDa MWCO
sample volume 15 mL, regenerated cellulose membrane, MWCO 10 kDa
10 kDa MWCO, 15 mL sample volume, Centrifugal concentrator
Méret kiválasztása
Méret kiválasztása
About This Item
Javasolt termékek
polyethylene cap
polyethylene liner
polypropylene tube
regenerated cellulose membrane
regenerated cellulose support
styrene-butadiene housing
Minőségi szint
gyártó/kereskedő neve
Amicon® Ultra
Greener Alternative Product
15 mL sample volume
protein extraction: suitable
protein purification: suitable
12.1 cm (4.807 in.)
2.97 cm
7.6 cm2
15 mL
10 kDa MWCO
környezetbarátabb alternatív kategória
Általános leírás
The vertical design and available membrane surface area provide fast sample processing, high sample recovery (typically greater than 90% of dilute starting solution), and the capability for 80-fold concentration. Solute polarization and subsequent fouling of the membrane are minimized by the vertical design, and a physical deadstop in the filter device prevents spinning to dryness and potential sample loss.
The concentrate is collected from the filter device sample reservoir using a pipetter, while the ultrafiltrate is collected in the provided centrifuge tube. The device can be spun in a swinging bucket or fixed angle rotor. With their vertical membrane design and deadstop, Amicon® Ultra 15 mL filters deliver the highest recovery with short spin times.
- Ultrafiltration with 10,000 Dalton molecular weight cutoff Ultracel® membrane.
- Concentration of biological samples containing antigens, antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, or microorganisms.
- Purification of macromolecular components found in tissue culture extracts or cell lysates and protein removal prior to HPLS.
- Concentration of dilute or pre-purified proteins from column eluents.
- Desalting, buffer exchange and protein dialysis.
Tulajdonságok és előnyök
- Ultracel® regenerated cellulose membrane with 10 kDa NMWCO delivers retentate recovery of greater than 90%.
- Vertical membrane reduces concentration polarization for ultra-fast spin times (as fast as 10-15 minutes).
- Heat-sealed membrane minimizes downstream extractables.
- 100% integrity tested for reliable performance.
- Convenient sample monitoring with translucent housing and volume gradations.
- Direct pipettor sample access eliminates processing step to recover concentrate.
- High concentration factors of 80–100X.
Fizikai forma
Jogi információk
Analitikai tanúsítványok (COA)
Analitikai tanúsítványok (COA) keresése a termék sarzs-/tételszámának megadásával. A sarzs- és tételszámok a termék címkéjén találhatók, a „Lot” vagy „Batch” szavak után.
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Az ügyfelek ezeket is megtekintették
Szűrési módszerek és membránszűrő kiválasztása a nanorészecskék tisztításában és előállításában.
Filtration methods and membrane filter selection in nanoparticle purification and production.
Explore ultrafiltration membrane principles and benefits for protein sample preparation, including solvent exchange and sample concentration.
Best practices for standardizing and reducing the Extracellular Vesicle Preparation workflow, and eliminating contamination of EV preparations with dead-cell-derived vesicles.
Related Content
Concentrate protein, don’t lose it. Recover protein reliably when you concentrate with Amicon® Ultra filters.
Do you make a miniature version of the Amicon® Ultra Centrifugal Filter for 1.5ml samples?
1 answer-
Does ultrafiltration of protein samples result in lower migration on an SDS-PAGE gel?
1 answer-
Yes, ultrafiltration of protein samples can potentially lead to lower migration on an SDS-PAGE gel.During the ultrafiltration process, the desalting or buffer exchange step may remove or reduce sodium chloride (NaCl), leading to lower protein migration on the gel. To prepare protein samples for gel electrophoresis, using an Amicon Ultra (AU) device or a suitable desalting/buffer exchange method is recommended.
Hello, How much filters represent 1pkg? Only one filter? A full pack? Thank you,
1 answer-
Amicon® Ultra-15 Centrifugal Filter Unit comes in 8, 24, and 96/pk. the pack size is indicated in the last two digits of the catalog numbers.
Hello, I'm using UFC903096 (Amicon-15, 30K) and am trying to exchange and concentrate without over-concentrating <500uL ... Would you have a table of the volume to add to the filtrate collector to ensure ~ final product volumes. Thanks!
1 answer-
This product is suitable for sample volumes of less than 15 mL. Please see the link below to review the estimated volumes:
How to wash the column after one time used for the buffer exchange or for protein concentration. Is any protocol please share??
1 answer-
We do not recommend reusing the device because eventually the membrane will clog completely. We have yet to record an efficient way to clean the pores of the membrane without damaging the membrane itself.
Active Filters
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