在製藥產品開發過程中,由於越來越多的活性藥物成分 (API) 顯示出低水溶性,因此溶解度增強方法的重要性與日俱增。由於沒有放諸四海皆準的解決方案,因此必須根據 API 的特性、所需的最終劑型以及所要求的配方效能,選擇適當的微調方法。我們提供一系列創新的輔料,可透過配方方法以及早期開發階段的原料藥加工,增強原料藥的溶解度,從而提升最終藥物產品的療效。
- 用於熱熔擠壓、噴霧乾燥、提高製片溶出率的專用輔料,以及具有獨特表面結構的矽膠藥物載體
- 用於鹽和共晶形成的API加工化學品
Emprove® Program提供全面的文件支援,加快您的上市速度。只要適用,我們的產品都符合主要藥典的規定。
我們的 Parteck® MXP 系列聚乙烯醇聚合物是專為熱熔擠壓而設計與最佳化,可增加各種 API 的溶解度:
我們的溶出率增強型輔料同時也是強韌的水溶性親水性潤滑劑 - 設計時充分考量現代固體製造的需求。
我們創新的 Parteck® SLC 介孔矽石可用作增強溶解度的輔料,將化合物的可溶性較高的無定型形式穩定在奈米級的孔隙中。
Meglumine 兩種等級,多種應用
有機碱基 meglumine 可作為反負離子,與 API 形成鹽,或作為功能性輔料,以增強 API 的溶解度、提高 API 的穩定性和調整 pH 值。請選擇您的等級:
- Download: Formulation Handbook
In this formulation handbook, we have compiled information and formulation examples that can help you when developing your formulation.
- Article: API Solubility and Dissolution Enhancement Via Formulation
我們對 API 溶解度與溶解度增強方法的概述,可協助您在製劑過程中的許多選擇中作出決定。
- Article: Improving API Solubility
This article describes the solubility challenge presented by many small molecule APIs and strategies to overcome these issues during the formulation process.
- White Paper: The Developability Classification System (DCS): Enabling an Optimized Approach for Formulation of Poorly Soluble Molecules
This white paper explores the DCS, a recent advancement based on the BCS system.
- Parteck® MXP White Paper: Enhancing the Solubility of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Using Hot Melt Extrusion and Polyvinyl Alcohol
This white paper describes how hot melt extrusion, and a specially engineered grade of polyvinyl alcohol can be used to increase the solubility of DCS IIb molecules.
- Parteck® MXP Brochure: Two Polymers, Unparalleled Value
With two specifically engineered grades of polyvinyl alcohol, our Parteck® MXP polymers are optimal for generating high performing, solubility enhanced formulations via hot melt extrusion.
- Parteck® MXP White Paper: Improving the Bioavailability of Challenging APIs Using Hot Melt Extrusion with Polyvinyl Alcohol
This white paper focuses on using hot melt extrusion (HME) to modify the physical state of APIs with the aim of enhancing solubility by converting the poorly soluble drug from its crystalline form into a stabilized amorphous form.
- Parteck® PLX 188 White Paper: Poloxamer: A Simple and Powerful Solution for Accelerating Dissolution
This white paper introduces the concept of dissolution and discuss how poloxamers are a simple yet powerful formulation approach that can enhance dissolution rate, while minimizing resource requirements.
- Parteck® PLX 188 Brochure: Accelerate Dissolution
Enhance dissolution rate and lubrication with a single high-performance excipient.
- Parteck® SLC Brochure: Adsorb, Stabilize, and Enhance
Unlock amorphous solubility enhancement for even the most challenging compounds.
- Meglumine Brochure: Double Your Benefit with Meglumine
Applicable either as an advanced API intermediate or as a functional excipient.
- Sweeteners Brochure: Two Ways to Ace the Taste Test
Achieve stable formulations and clean, sugar-like taste with our high-intensity sweeteners.