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Aquatic subterranean species often exhibit disjunct distributions, with high level of endemism and small range, shaped by vicariance, limited dispersal, and evolutionary rates. We studied the disjunct biogeographic patterns of an endangered blind cave shrimp, Typhlocaris, and identified the geological
Transforming growth factor-beta-inducible early response gene 1 is a novel substrate for atypical protein kinase Cs
Alemu EA, et al.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 68(11), 1953-1968 (2011)
RNA activation of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene (VEGF) promoter by double-stranded RNA and hypoxia: role of noncoding VEGF promoter transcripts
Lopez P, et al.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 36(10), 1480-1493 (2016)
Applied and environmental microbiology, 78(9), 3352-3360 (2012-02-22)
Salmonellosis is one of the most important food-borne diseases worldwide. For outbreak investigation and infection control, accurate and fast subtyping methods are essential. A triplex gene-scanning assay was developed and evaluated for serotype-specific subtyping of Salmonella enterica isolates based on
Learn standard PCR protocol steps and review reagent lists or cycling parameters. This method for routine PCR amplification of DNA uses standard Taq DNA polymerase.