Determination of phosphorus and potassium in commercial inorganic fertilizers by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry: single-laboratory validation
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Method validation and uncertainty for the determination of rare earth elements, yttrium, thorium and phosphorus in monazite samples by ICP-OES
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Metals and phosphorus determination in vegetable seeds used in the production of biodiesel by ICP OES and ICP-MS
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Comparison of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and colorimetric determination of total and extractable phosphorus in soils
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Protein phosphorylation stoichiometry by simultaneous ICP-QMS determination of phosphorus and sulfur oxide ions: a multivariate optimization of plasma operating conditions
This page is intended to make it easier to find the consumables you need based on the analytical method you’re using. Methods included on this page come from the EPA, Standard Methods and ASTM.
This page is intended to make it easier to find the consumables you need based on the analytical method you’re using. Methods included on this page come from the EPA, Standard Methods and ASTM.
This page is intended to make it easier to find the consumables you need based on the analytical method you’re using. Methods included on this page come from the EPA, Standard Methods and ASTM.
This page is intended to make it easier to find the consumables you need based on the analytical method you’re using. Methods included on this page come from the EPA, Standard Methods and ASTM.