Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy, is a solid dye for fluorescence AFB staining of bacteriological smears and histological tissue sections of human origin. The mechanism is a non-specific binding of fluorescence dye on a substrate, similar to the classical Ziehl-Neelsen method, although the heating of the Rhodamine B color solution can be avoided. The dye has a constant dye content and a reliable high quality, which is one of the major precondition for a reproducible diagnostic staining.
for microscopy
Dye content (spectrophotometrically): ≥ 90 % Identity (UV/VIS-Spectrum): passes test Absorption maximum λ max (ethanol 50 %): 550 - 552 nm Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λmax; 0.003 g/l; ethanol 50 %): 2115 - 2350 TLC-Test: passes test Loss on drying (110 °C): ≤ 5 % Suitability for microscopy: passes test