最終無菌過濾和灌裝是生產流程中的最後步驟,也是確保產品無菌性和患者用藥安全的關鍵操作。我們的 Mobius® 單次使用系統可設計為包含單一或多餘滅菌過濾器,為製造商提供速度、靈活性和更高的效率。
氣體過濾器 對於保持環境與無菌流體路徑之間的界限至關重要。含滅菌級 Millipore Express® SPG (Sterile, Phobic Gamma) 疏水膜的過濾器是一次性應用中氣體過濾和排氣的首選。
Millipak® 隔離過濾器 同時包含親水和疏水的滅菌級 Durapore® 膜,允許液體和氣體流動。
對於水性液體的無菌過濾,含有我們久經考驗的 Durapore® polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 膜的過濾器具有低蛋白質結合力和卓越的堅固性,從而簡化了 PUPSIT。對於某些製程,我們值得信賴的聚醚砜(PES)Millipore Express® 膜過濾器可能是更好的選擇。
- Millipak® FinalFill濾器包含Durapore® PVDF膜,有多種孔徑可供選擇。膠囊的堆疊圓盤形式最大限度地減少了產品截留體積。
- Durapore® 0.22 µm過濾器包含單層0.22 µm 滅菌級 PVDF 膜,堅固耐用,蛋白質結合率低,有多種過濾器形式可供選擇。
- Millipore Express® SHF(滅菌、高通量)過濾器包含單層 0.
- Durapore® 5.0微米PVDF膜過濾器可去除無菌大容量液體過濾器中的聚集物和微粒,並提供多種過濾器形式。
使用一次性冗餘過濾 (SURF) 流程執行 PUPSIT
透過動畫視訊了解 SURF 流程。
我們的單次使用灌裝組件為客製化設計,可與各種品牌的隔離器或RABS灌裝機整合。我們的 Mobius® 專家會與您和您的機器供應商合作,以確保系統的設計符合您的需求,並符合法規的期望。我們多樣化的單次使用元件組合可輕鬆整合至您的灌裝系統,其中包括
- 無菌連接器
- 最大 50 L 的 2D 封頭袋
- 配料泵管路
- 模塑 TC 歧管
- Beta 袋
- 單次使用灌裝針
- Article: Aseptic Filter Formats: Selection Guide
This technical article provides a high level overview of different formats available to help guide product selection.
- Technical Note: Improved Product Recovery Using Blow-down with Millipak® Final Fill Filters
In this tech note, we compare hold-up volume of both pleated and stacked disc filters and highlight the benefits of filter blow-down for maximizing product recovery.
- Application Note: Establishing Product Specific Bubble Point Values for Sterilizing-Grade Filters
Integrity testing sterilizing filters is a fundamental requirement of critical process filtration applications in the pharmaceutical industry.
- Technical Note: Millipak® Final Fill Filters Reduce Contamination Risks and Simplify Filtration System Design and Operation
This tech note summarizes the results of microbial challenge studies that confirm the aseptic multipurpose port (AMPP) prevents microbial contamination entering the flow path.
- White Paper: Adoption Of Single-Use For Final Filtration
Single-use systems (SUS) are now used routinely in the manufacture of biologics in both upstream and downstream operations.
- Data Sheet: Durapore® Family Guide
We offer a full portfolio of membrane filters to meet the needs of different bioprocess applications.
- Specification Sheet: Single-Use Filling Needles Integrated into Mobius® Final Fill Assemblies
Mobius® single-use filling needles are available in four different styles, several different sizes, and are compatible with filling machines manufactured by various machine vendors.