Phytosterols and tocopherols are commonly used in food and pharmaceutical industries for their health benefits. Current analysis methods rely on conventional liquid chromatography, using an analytical column, which can be tedious and time consuming. However, simple, and fast analytical methods
Understanding the responses of crops to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (E[CO2]) is very important in terms of global food supplies. The present study investigates the effects of CO2 enrichment (to 800 μmol mol-1) on the physiology of soybean plants and the
Tocopherols are lipid-soluble antioxidants synthesized in plastids of plants and other photosynthetic organisms. The four known tocopherols, α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol, differ in number and position of methyl groups on their chromanol head group. In unstressed Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana)
The effect of climate warming on the reproductive success of ectothermic animals is currently a subject of major conservation concern. However, for many threatened species, we still know surprisingly little about the extent of naturally occurring adaptive variation in heat-tolerance.