USDEA Schedule IV; Home Office Schedule 3; psychotrope (France); kontrollierte Droge in Deutschland; regulated under CDSA - not available from Sigma-Aldrich Canada; psicótropo (Spain); Decreto Lei 15/93: Tabela IIC (Portugal)
45% (w/v) aq 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin: 1 mg/mL DMF: soluble ethanol: soluble
Hypnotic; anxiolytic; ligand for the GABAA receptor benzodiazepine modulatory site.
This compound is a featured product for Neuroscience research. Click here to discover more featured Neuroscience products. Learn more about bioactive small molecules for other areas of research at
This compound is featured on the GABAA Receptors page of the Handbook of Receptor Classification and Signal Transduction. To browse other handbook pages, click here.
This compound was developed by Roche. To browse the list of other pharma-developed compounds and Approved Drugs/Drug Candidates, click here.
Photoincorporation of ligands into the benzodiazepine site of native gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptors provides useful information about the nature of the benzodiazepine (BZ) binding site. Photoincorporation of flunitrazepam into a single population of GABAA receptors, recombinant human alpha1beta3gamma2, was investigated
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 51(13), 3788-3803 (2008-06-10)
Ligands that bind to the benzodiazepine binding site on the GABA A receptor can attenuate or potentiate cognition. To investigate this property, the chemical determinants favoring selective binding or selective activation of the alpha5beta2gamma2 and alpha1beta2gamma2 GABA A receptor isoforms
Studies have estimated that failure of cecal intubation occurs with conventional colonoscopy in up to 10 % of cases. Double-balloon endoscopy (DBE) systems, magnetic endoscope imaging (MEI), and transparent cap have been shown to improve success rates for colonoscopy. This study
Flunitrazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative whose hypnotic effect predominates over the sedative, anxiolytic, muscle-relaxing and anticonvulsant effects characteristic of benzodiazepines. Thus, it is used as a night-time hypnotic and in anaesthesiology: due to the pronounced hypnotic effect it is not
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology, 17(3 Suppl 2), 1S-57S (1997-06-01)
Flunitrazepam is among the most frequently prescribed hypnotics in many countries. Although it was never marketed in the United States, flunitrazepam, in recent years, has been smuggled into the country, and reports of abuse--including alleged use of the drug to