- Material Matters: Nanomaterials For Emerging Bioelectronics
Nano-bioelectronics represents an emerging multidisciplinary field that combines nanomaterials with biology and electronics.
- Material Matters: Carbon in Multiple Dimensions
Carbon-based nanomaterials possess extraordinary electrical, thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties that make them unique among nanomaterials.
- Material Matters: Next Generation Nanomaterials for Energy and Electronics
Sustainable energy generation and storage is a preeminent challenge for the 21st century.
- Designing Temperature and pH Sensitive NIPAM Based Polymers
Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), or PNIPAM, is a stimuli-responsive polymer that responds to changes in pH and temperature and has a LCST around 32 C.
- Functional RAFT Polymers for Biomedical Applications
Reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization is rapidly moving to the forefront in construction of drug and gene delivery vehicles.
- Polymersomes for Drug Delivery
The development of drugs that target specific locations within the human body remains one of the greatest challenges in biomedicine today.
- Delivery of Nucleic Acids Using Polymers
This review will focus on the sub-sector of drug delivery concerning the delivery of nucleic acids, with a particular focus on poly(ethyleneimine).
- Functionalized PEI and Its Role in Gene Therapy
Gene therapy has become one of the most discussed techniques in biomedical research in recent years.
- Poly(2-Oxazoline)s: The Versatile Polymer Platform for Biomedicine
The introduction of polymers into the biomedical field has opened new avenues in tissue engineering, implant design, biosensing, and drug delivery.
- Poly(2-oxazoline)s (POx) in Biomedical Applications
Poly(2-oxazoline)s, synthesized via LCROP, resemble polypeptides and have various applications in polymer chemistry.
- Nanoparticle Drug & Gene Delivery for Tumor Targeting
Professor Katayama discusses drug delivery systems exploiting the EPR effect, focusing on stimuli-responsive systems with novel materials.
过渡金属硫属化物是一种具有可调节电子和光电特性、间接带隙和增强稳定性的超薄材料。过渡金属硫属化物是一种MX型半导体,而二硫化物则是MX2型,其中M代表过渡金属,X代表硫属原子。这类材料具有电子带隙,可用于一系列电池、太阳能电池、柔性电子、光纤、能量存储和催化应用。我们可以为您提供类似于石墨烯的过渡金属二硫化物,例如二硫化钼(MoS2) 和二硫化钨 (WS2),适用于场效应晶体管(FET)和薄膜单层光致发光。
硫属化物量子点是一种具有出色的量子约束效应、表面体积比、溶解度、边缘效应、可调光致发光和荧光特性的半导体纳米粒子。我们可以为您提供易于官能化和增强光稳定性的高质量二硫化钼(MoS2)和二硫化钨 (WS2) )量子点。以上材料为标准2D纳米片材开辟了一个新的维度,使其能够应用于能源、电池和成像领域。