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The Plas-Labs La Petite glove box unit is two-thirds the size of the "Basic Glove Box", Z563307 or Z563013. The La Petite is designed to be ergonomically correct for the average person.
* Includes Transfer Chamber
- Lightweight, easy to move from lab to lab
- Optically clear, one piece acrylic top with molded white base.
- Gel Sealant gaskets for airtight seal between top and base, non-toxic, does not support biological growth
- Adjustable SS clamps with security locking features
- 7 in. O.D. ports with neoprene gloves
- Large access door (12 in. opening)
- Transparent transfer chamber 12 in. L x 9.75 in. I.D. with vacuum gauge
- Adjustable RH gauge
- White leveling plate for transferring liquids
- Four ground key-cock valves for purging and gas entry
- "Weathertite" duplex electrical outlet with safety covers
* Includes Transfer Chamber