Concentration range Ion: 0.001 … 999 999 mg/L, ppm ; 0.0001 … 100 mol/L, % ; 0.001 … 100 000 mmol/L (+/- 0.5%)
Conductivity range 0.001 ?S/cm to 2000 ms/cm, various different units, defined by user (+/- 0.5%)
ISFET pH range (+/- 0.5)
Resistivity range 0.01 ... 100.0 MOhm*cm
TDS range 0.001 mg/L ... 1000 g/L
Mettler-Toledo 30046255
-2000-2000, accuracy: ±0.1
0-80 ppt
-30-130 °C, accuracy: ±0.002
Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence™ pH/Conductivity/Ion meter – intuitive touchscreen operation and high measurement performance combined with a complete security package for safe results and solid compliance. This triple channel instrument is modularly expandable with additional measurement parameters at any time!
Professional calibration support, incl. automatic calibration with Rondolino sample changer
Flexible due to various conductivity modes, units and temperature correction possibilities
Methods for incremental ion measurements, guiding the user through the individual steps
Large 7 inch color display and intuitive menu guidance in 10 languages
Flexible method concept for high reproducibility and security
Extra security thanks to sophisticated user management and Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®)
Integrated interfaces (USB, RS232 and Ethernet) for data exchange
Comprehensive service package including IQ/OQ/PQ
Included in every SevenExcellence:
uPlace™ electrode holder with a perfect vertical motion. It can be operated with one hand and used either freestanding or attached to the left or right side of the instrument.
LabX direct pH PC software for transferring real-time measurement data and archiving your results
Includes meter with a pH/mV, a conductivity and a pH/ion expansion unit
Professional calibration support, incl. automatic calibration with Rondolino sample changer
Flexible due to various conductivity modes, units and temperature correction possibilities
Methods for incremental ion measurements, guiding the user through the individual steps
Large 7 inch color display and intuitive menu guidance in 10 languages
Flexible method concept for high reproducibility and security
Extra security thanks to sophisticated user management and Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®)
Integrated interfaces (USB, RS232 and Ethernet) for data exchange
Comprehensive service package including IQ/OQ/PQ
Included in every SevenExcellence:
uPlace™ electrode holder with a perfect vertical motion. It can be operated with one hand and used either freestanding or attached to the left or right side of the instrument.
LabX direct pH PC software for transferring real-time measurement data and archiving your results
Includes meter with a pH/mV, a conductivity and a pH/ion expansion unit
ISM is a registered trademark of Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
SevenExcellence is a trademark of Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
uPlace is a trademark of Mettler-Toledo, Inc.