A significant amount of radiation escapes the rear of an image receptor in conventional dental radiographic procedures despite the placement of a lead-containing backing at the rear of the film pack. The purpose of this investigation was to place additional
In projection radiography, stationary grids are indispensable accessories to the improvement of diagnostic imaging. On the other hand, they are becoming one of the issues facing digital image processing. The lead foil that composes the grid can produce moiré on
The purpose of this work is to study the dose enhancement by a thin foil (thickness of 0.2-4 mm) of high-Z material in a water phantom, irradiated by high-energy photon beams. EGS4 Monte Carlo technique was used. Perturbations on the
To determine the interaction between image noise and file compression, with special emphasis on the accuracy of caries diagnosis. Fifty-nine bitewing radiographs of patients were taken simultaneously with Ektaspeed Plus (Eastman-Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA) film without lead foil and the
This study investigates a possible cause of reported significant dose discrepancies between Monte Carlo calculations and measurements in the buildup region for high-energy photon beams in large fields. A proposed hypothesis was that the discrepancy was caused by a source