About This Item
Doporučené produkty
biological source
human blood
HRC Panel Number
UK Caucasian
growth mode
Not Specified
cell culture | mammalian: suitable
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Cell Line Origin
UK Caucasian Female
Cell Line Description
A B-lymphoblastoid cell line derived from a randomly selected Caucasian blood donor whose parents and grandparents were born in the UK or Ireland. The cell line was generated by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes.
This cell line is part of the European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC) Human Random Control (HRC) collection. The HRC collection consists of more than 700 B-lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from randomly selected Caucasian blood donors whose parents and grandparents were born in the UK or Ireland. The HRC collection can be used as a renewable control population for genetic research.
This cell line is part of the European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC) Human Random Control (HRC) collection. The HRC collection consists of more than 700 B-lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from randomly selected Caucasian blood donors whose parents and grandparents were born in the UK or Ireland. The HRC collection can be used as a renewable control population for genetic research.
As part of the Human Random Control collection this cell line can be used as a renewable source of genomic DNA reference material for a wide range of genetic research applications.
Culture Medium
RPMI 1640 (R0883) + 2 mM L-Glutamine (G7513) + 20% FBS / FCS (F2442). Once a growing culture is established the FBS concentration can be reduced to 10%.
Subculture Routine
Maintain cultures between 3 x 105 - 2 x 106 cells/ml; 5% CO2, 37 °C.
Other Notes
Additional freight & handling charges may be applicable for Asia-Pacific shipments. Please check with your local Customer Service representative for more information.
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