Hirschmann® EM dispenser, adjustable volume
volume 10-60 mL, accuracy: 0.5%, precision: 0.1 CV%
Přihlásitk zobrazení cen stanovených pro organizaci a smluvních cen
About This Item
Doporučené produkty
ceramic piston
subdivision 1 mL
Hirschmann 9360000
volume measuring range
10-60 mL, accuracy: 0.5%, precision: 0.1 CV%
10-60 mL
(A 28)
S 40
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General description
For precise and reproducible liquid dispensing. Handling, fast and simple volume adjustment by merely turning the scale ring.
- Conformity certified
- Autoclavable up to 121 °C/2 bar
- The click-stop mechanism makes sure that the volume is not changed unintentionally
- The locking mechanism in the "O-position" provides additional safety
- A stable protective jacket avoids accidental damage of the glass cylinder
- Screw-coupled suction tube prevents the formation of air bubbles during aspiration
- Individual quality certificate with serial number and 12 months warranty
- Universal use - for dispensing in almost any area of application
Legal Information
Hirschmann is a registered trademark of Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH & Co.
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Stanovení ceny
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