



Aldrich® AtmosBag手套袋

Aldrich® AtmosBag

two-hand, non-sterile, size M, closure type, Zipper-lock




About This Item







closure type Zipper-lock

寬度 × 長度 × 高度

39 in. × 48 in. × 15 in., average inflated dimensions

寬度 × 長度

38 in. × 51.5 in. , deflated dimensions


280 L


22.5 in. , 4 ports

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现场取样:在采样操作过程中,AtmosBag在罐和桶的顶部滑动,充入惰性气体,以隔绝水汽和灰尘。 最大限度地减少工作人员的暴露,同时保证采得的疏松材料完整。AtmosBag就是一个便携式实验室,可进行测试、犯罪现场调查以及需要洁净隔离腔的其他应用。


带拉链锁的Atmos Bag:AtmosBag的开口用拉链锁锁紧,形成气密密封。由于拉链宽度,开口略小于袋子的宽度。非常适合需要重复使用袋子内容物和紧急隔离的应用。


  • 由坚固的0.003英寸厚的聚乙烯制成,该聚乙烯经抛光处理,透明度较高
  • 接缝经热封处理以确保强度,并测试通气膨胀无泄漏
  • 为实验室气体、真空和电线均配备入口
  • AtmosBag不阻燃,也不适合长时间接触溶剂、蒸汽或化学品
  • 可以在氩气环境中使用
  • 每个袋子上有四个进口。每个袋子的一侧有两个。


Aldrich is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC


分析證明 (COA)

Lot/Batch Number


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1–3 of 3 Questions  
  1. Are there instructions available for this product?

    1 answer
    1. Please refer to the user guide found in the "More Documents" section under Documentation on this page.


  2. I would like to know what kind of port/how do you introduce nitrogen or a continuous flow of inert gas in the chamber. I see ports but how do you connect to a gas tank?

    1 answer
    1. The inlets located on each side of the Atmosbag are used to connect purge gas, vacuum, and power lines. PE connectors are available for making gas and vacuum connections with flexible tubing. A 3-way stopcock may be installed at the bag inlet to control both vacuum and purge gas from a single point. An oil bubbler may be installed at an inlet for continuous purge operation.
      See below for details.
      Installing tubing connectors for Zipper-lock AtmosBags:
      a. Snip the end of the bag inlet with scissors to make a very small opening.
      b. Separate two-piece tubing connector. Position one end inside of the bag inlet and the other outside of the bag inlet.
      c. Push connector pieces together firmly.
      d. Connect AtmosBag to purge gas source and to aspirator or house vacuum with 1 in. i.d. flexible tubing.

      For additional support please navigate to the link https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/techservice, and click on "Product Technical Inquiries" under the Products Section with all the required information so that a member of the Technical Service team can reach out to assist further. Thank you.


  3. I would like to know how to manipulate the atmosphere within the bag (anoxic conditions). Is there any manual or SOP? Thank you, Barbara

    1 answer
    1. Anaerobic chamber - A continuous purge of dry inert gas prevents any traces of moisture or oxygen diffusion into AtmosBag.

      Purge Gas Requirements Inert gas applications: 99.99+% pure nitrogen is an acceptable inert atmosphere for many applications. For more rigorous requirements, use a higher purity grade of nitrogen such as extra dry, prepurified, ultra high purity, or oxygen free. The inert gas can be also be passed through a Drierite gas-drying unit to remove trace amounts of water. Other gas applications: Dust-free filtered air, helium, oxygen, moisturized nitrogen, ordinary air, and carbon dioxide are examples of gases that may be used inside AtmosBag to suit particular experimental requirements.

      Inflation pressure: Do not over inflate AtmosBag with gas as this will make insertion of hands into gloves difficult. TIP: Inflate AtmosBag like a very soft pillow. Alternatively, a continuous gas purge may be employed by connecting AtmosBag to an oil bubbler as a pressure-relief device that maintains a constant pressure inside bag.



Active Filters

    • Review 1
    • Votes 0
    2 out of 5 stars.

    Very awkward and expensive

    Very awkward and expensive. Essentially an exceptionally expensive plastic bag. As you might expect, every time you move your hands the bag changes shape as it has no internal support.


    1. Response from MilliporeSigma:

      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your review with us. The AtmosBag products are an economical alternative to classical rigid glove boxes. The opening (zipper or tape) is large enough to insert various equipement used in controlled atmosphere environments. It can also accomodate a rigid base of offer a more stable working platform. We would encourage you to contact our Technical Service team for assistance in the usage of the AtmosBag products by visiting https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/support/customer-support and submitting and Product Inquiry. Alternatively, we also offer a selection of rigid, more permanant glove box options.

