Trypsin is by far the most commonly used protease in proteomics. Even though the amount of protease used in each experiment is very small, digestion of large amounts of protein prior to enrichment can be rather costly. The price of
Enhanced trypsin on a budget: Stabilization, purification and high-temperature application of inexpensive commercial trypsin for proteomics applications
Heissel S, et al.
PLoS ONE, 14 (2019)
Mass spectrometry of peptides and proteins using digestion by a grape cysteine protease at pH 3
Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS, 55(7), e4444-e4444 (2019-10-12)
Cysteine protease from grapevine (Vitis vinifera) belongs to those resistant proteins, which survive the process of vinification and can therefore be detected as wine components. Its amino acid sequence shows a homology to other members of the papain family, but
The CHORD protein CHP-1 regulates EGF receptor trafficking and signaling in C. elegans and in human cells
An optimized peptide mapping protocol using NISTmAb as a model monoclonal antibody, shorter incubation times, and improved digestion buffer to demonstrate minimal artificial asparagine deamidation and methionine oxidation.
An optimized LC-MS/MS based workflow for low artifact tryptic digestion and peptide mapping of monoclonal antibody, adalimumab (Humira) using filter assisted sample preparation (FASP).