Mode of use Voltage of 150 V is recommended for small electrophoresis chambers while a mid to large apparatus may be run at 200-250 V. User should test their chamber to determine optimum voltage.
Bionic Buffer is a unique alternative to traditional TBE (TRIS borate-EDTA) and TAE (TRIS acetate-EDTA) electrophoresis buffers. Bionic Buffer allows for higher voltage runs, extremely rapid running times, and high-resolution band separation.
Suitable for:
Use as running buffer for nucleic acid electrophoresis, which may be part of Northern and Southern blot hybridization procedures[1]
Use with TBA and TAE gels
Preparation of agarose gels
Faster run times
Sharper bands
Easy to dilute and use
Flexible use with a variety of gel types
The 4 L and 10 L sizes are supplied in dispensers with a spigot.
Test electrophoresis chambers to determine highest voltage. Voltages beyond the recommended range for your apparatus may result in blown fuses or damage to your apparatus.
Parthenogenetic embryos are one attractive alternative as a source of embryonic stem cells, although many aspects related to the biology of parthenogenetic embryos and parthenogenetically derived cell lines still need to be elucidated. The present work was conducted to investigate
Biology of reproduction, 87(4), 91-91 (2012-08-03)
Studies of embryo cryopreservation efficiency have focused mainly on technical and embryo factors. To determine how a slow freezing process affects embryo and fetal development, we studied in vivo development ability after the freezing procedure by assessing blastocyst development at
Fast short-fragment PCR for rapid and sensitive detection of shrimp viruses.
Mrotzek G, et al.
Journal of Virological Methods, 168, 262-266 (2010)