- Electro polymerized 4-vinyl pyridine on 2B pencil graphite as ionophore for cadmium (II).
Electro polymerized 4-vinyl pyridine on 2B pencil graphite as ionophore for cadmium (II).
Talanta (2012-01-24)
Joanna Lim Wee Ling, Anish Khan, Bahruddin Saad, Sulaiman Ab Ghani
A new poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VP) based cadmium (Cd)-ion selective electrode (ISE) was developed. The 4-vinyl pyridine (4VP) was first polymerized electrochemically on the surface of graphite, later characterized by FTIR, SEM/EDX and then optimized as ISE for Cd. At optimal pH 6.4, slope of 27.7±0.8mVdecade(-1), linear concentration range of 1×10(-7) to 1.0×10(-1)M Cd(2+) and limit of detection (S/N=3) of 2.51×10(-8)M were obtained. The ISE was very selective towards Cd(2+), with K(pot)<1×10(-2) in the presence of the usual cations and anions in water samples. Response time and shelf life of less than 1min and 90 days, respectively, were observed. Its application was tested in various types of samples.