Product 94378 (Methocel® A4M) in a 2% solution in water at 20°C results in a solution with a viscosity between 3000 - 5500 mPa.s. While not directly analyzed for particle size, it is suggested that it is primarily -40 mesh or smaller than 420 micron. Molecular weight information is not determined.
Product M0512 in a 2% solution in water at 20°C results in a solution with a viscosity between 3500 - 5600 cps. The particle size for product M0512 is not analyzed. The M0512 lists an approximate molecular weight of 88,000 with methoxy substitution between 27.5 - 31.5% (weight).
Both products are methyl cellulose polymers. The major application that Dupont lists for their Methocel A4M is in ceramic extrusion. It seems to have a similar reported methoxy content as shown in Dow's brochure below.
Thus, the primary difference between these two products would be the manufacturer's origin.