DNA free
RNase and DNase free (also Nickase free)
pkg of 1.5 mL
RT-PCR: suitable
cDNA synthesis: suitable
dry ice
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 is suitable for the optimization of polymerase chain reactions (PCR). Magnesium chloride provides the required magnesium ions for Taq DNA polymerase, enhancing its activity. In addition, MgCl2 influences the primer-template annealing temperature, fidelity, specificity, and yield. However, excess amounts of magnesium can cause an increase in nonspecific products, while lack of magnesium can lead to reduced yield.
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 is manufactured under stringent conditions to ensure that it is free of detectable levels of DNA, DNase, RNase, and Nickase to reduce the risk of false positive and false negative results in molecular diagnostic assays. When used with Ultra pure 10x Taq Buffer without MgCl2, Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 allows flexibility to optimize amplification conditions through adjustments to MgCl2 concentration. Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 should be used with other ultra pure DNA-free reagents, such as Ultra pure JumpStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase and Ultra pure DNA-free Water, to minimize false positive and negative results and improved DNA amplification.
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 was designed for use in highly-regulated industries in applications that require a high level of performance, lot-to-lot consistency, and high sensitivity without false results from reagent-borne contamination while meeting industry-driven critical regulations. To meet this requirements we have increased the quality level of our products. The M-Clarity Program defines product quality. It provides transparency so that you can choose, with confidence, suitable products that meet your needs with respect to quality and regulatory compliance, transparency, change notification, and documentation.
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 is manufactured under stringent conditions to ensure that it is free of detectable levels of DNA, DNase, RNase, and Nickase to reduce the risk of false positive and false negative results in molecular diagnostic assays. When used with Ultra pure 10x Taq Buffer without MgCl2, Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 allows flexibility to optimize amplification conditions through adjustments to MgCl2 concentration. Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 should be used with other ultra pure DNA-free reagents, such as Ultra pure JumpStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase and Ultra pure DNA-free Water, to minimize false positive and negative results and improved DNA amplification.
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 was designed for use in highly-regulated industries in applications that require a high level of performance, lot-to-lot consistency, and high sensitivity without false results from reagent-borne contamination while meeting industry-driven critical regulations. To meet this requirements we have increased the quality level of our products. The M-Clarity Program defines product quality. It provides transparency so that you can choose, with confidence, suitable products that meet your needs with respect to quality and regulatory compliance, transparency, change notification, and documentation.
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 can be used for:
- Quantitative PCR
- Amplification of complex genomic DNA and cDNA templates
- Amplification of low-copy number targets
- Microbiome analysis
- For further manufacture
- DNA-free
- DNase-free, RNase-free, and nickase-free
- Ideal for high throughput quantitative PCR applications
- Compatible with Ultra pure JumpStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase
- Flexibility to optimize amplification conditions
- Enhanced change control and quality agreement
Ultra pure 25mM MgCl2 is provided in larger SKU sizes for ease of use in high throughput PCR applications and for further manufacture. Ultra pure MgCl2 should be used with other ultra pure DNA-free reagents, such as Ultra pure JumpStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase, Ultra pure 10x Taq Buffer without MgCl2, and Ultra pure DNA-free Water, to minimize false positive and negative results.
Quality testing ensures the absence of detectable levels of contaminating DNA (<=1 copy of prokaryotic gDNA, <=0.1 copy of eukaryotic gDNA, and <=10 copies of plasmid DNA per 100 units of enzyme) as detected by qPCR using universal primers against 16S capable of detecting > 500,000 prokayotes, 18S capable of detecting > 110,000 eukaryotes, and Ori capable of detecting > 25,000 plasmids, respectively.
JumpStart is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
10 - Combustible liquids
Not applicable
Not applicable
Utilize molecular raw materials for diagnostic assay development and manufacturing, backed by extensive experience and worldwide manufacturing.