Mettler Toledo SevenDirect SD23 pH / Conductivity Meter Kit
electrode, InLab® expert Pro-ISM & InLab® 731-ISM
About This Item
Doporučené produkty
AC/DC input
, universal plug set
220 V / 240 V
electrode InLab® expert Pro-ISM & InLab® 731-ISM
pack of 1 kit
Mettler-Toledo 30671567
conductivity measuring range
0.001-2000 mS/cm, accuracy: ±0.5%, resolution: 0.001-2
mV measuring range
-2,000.000-2,000.000 mV, resolution: 1; 0.1
pH measuring range
-2.000-20.000, accuracy: ±0.002, resolution: 0.1
resolution: 0.001
resolution: 0.01
temperature measuring range
-30-130 °C, resolution: 0.1 °C
General description
Large color touchscreen provides direct measurement and easy data entry. Instructions guide users through the sensor calibration process.
Tracks your Records
The instrument stores data like timestamp, sample and sensor ID with every measurement and prints or exports records automatically.
Tough Enough
Closed connector compartment and replaceable cover keep the instrument safe from dust and spills, even with sensors attached (IP54 in-use).
Robust sensors for standard applications
InLab Expert Pro-ISM and InLab 731-ISM are a powerful combination for pH, temperature and conductivity measurements in many standard liquid samples. Their robustness and low maintenance requirements make them highly suited for routine operation.
Electrode Arm for Efficient Operation
The EasyPlace electrode arm makes placing the sensor in the sample or buffer container easy. Dedicated positions for cleaning and storage support correct sensor handling. Vertical and horizontal movements facilitate precise positioning, even with one hand.
Protect Critical Settings
A two-level user management protects the most important settings. Operators retain the flexibility to individually set preferences like language and screen brightness.
Display Adapts to Your Needs
View detailed measurement information on one measurement screen - or focus on the result only and maximize readability with the uFocus mode.
Two Parameters in One Device
Measure pH and conductivity with one instrument - simultaneously or separately as the application requires.
Features and Benefits
- Large color touchscreen provides direct measurement and easy data entry.
- The instrument stores data like timestamp, sample and sensor ID with every measurement and prints or exports records automatically.
- Smart design and cover keep the instrument safe from dust and spills
- Combination of robust pH, temperature and conductivity sensors with their low maintenance requirements make them highly suited for routine operation.
- Electrode arm for efficient operation
- Protect critical settings Protected with two-level user management
- Display adapts to your needs to maximize readability
- Measure pH and conductivity with one instrument - simultaneously or separately.
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