Pyrex® Media-Lab Bottles, with high temperature cap and pouring ring, with printed trace code
capacity 100 mL
Pyrex, SciLabware 1516/04RED
About This Item
Doporučené produkty
PTFE seal
borosilicate glass bottle
red polyester cap (high temperature thermoplastic)
round bottle
white graduation
Joints threaded neck (GL45)
with cap
with pouring ring
with printed trace code
pack of 10 ea
SciLabware 1516/04RED
100 mL
diam. × H
56 mm × 100 mm
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General description
- Bottles complete with thermoplastic polyester cap, PTFE sealing disc and pouring ring
- Complies with ISO 4796
- Printed with Trace Code for downloadable batch certificate
- Batch certificate available to download from
- Withstands hot air sterilisation up to 180 deg. C
- PTFE sealing disc resists chemical attack
- White graduations and marking spot
- Manufactured from temperature and chemically resistant borosilicate glass
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