Description générale
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Origine de la lignée cellulaire
Primary Normal Human Epidermal Melanocytes (NHEM) are isolated from the epidermis of juvenile foreskin and are provided in a cryopreserved format. Melanocytes are located in the stratum basale, but branch out between the keratinocytes in suprabasal layers. About 5-10 % of the cells in the epidermis are melanocytes. The main purpose of melanocytes is the production of melanin, the protein responsible for the pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair. Melanin protects the cells in the skin and in deeper layers from the hazardous effects of UV radiation. It is produced and stored in melanosomes, which are located close to the melanocyte membrane, but it can also be transferred to neighboring keratinocytes.Normal Human Epidermal Melanocytes 2 are isolated using the serum-free and PMA-free Melanocyte Growth Medium M2. Since PMA is a tumor promoting mitogen, it can interfere with experimental approaches. Therefore, we recommend using cells isolated in Melanocyte Growth Medium M2 and also using this medium for cultivation. Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (NHEK) and Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts (NHDF) from the same donor are available on request.
PMA-free Melanocyte Growth Medium M2
Rigid quality control tests are performed for each lot of Normal Human Epidermal Melanocytes. They are tested for cell morphology, adherence rate and cell viability. Furthermore, immunohistochemical tests for the cell-type specific marker, Mel-5, are carried out for each lot. Growth performance is tested through multiple passages up to 15 population doublings (PD) under culture conditions without antibiotics and antimycotics. In addition, all cells have been tested for the absence of HIV-1, HIV-2, HBV, HCV, HTLV-1, HTLV-2 and microbial contaminants (fungi, bacteria, and mycoplasma).
Although tested negative for HIV-1, HIV-2, HBV, HCV, HTLV-1 and HTLV-2, the cells – like all products of human origin – should be handled as potentially infectious. No test procedure can completely guarantee the absence of infectious agents.
Procédure de repiquage
here for more information.
Autres remarques
Recommended Plating Density: 5000 - 10000 cells per cm2Passage After Thawing: P2Tested Markers: Mel-5 positiveGuaranteed population doublings: >15
Produits recommandés
Recommended Primary Cell Culture Media:
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