Determination of a gene expression in guard cells is essential for studying stomatal movements. GUS staining is one means of detecting the localization of a gene expression in guard cells. If a gene is specially expressed in guard cells, the
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Transformation of Walnut (Juglans regia)
Frontiers in plant science, 8, 1047-1047 (2017-07-04)
The present study demonstrates the development of an Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation method for species of the Sedum genus, which includes the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola and the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype of S. alfredii. Multiple shoots were induced from stem nodes of
Probiotics exhibit an inhibitory effect on pathogens, help prevent chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases or atopic syndromes, and support the immune system.
Today, diverse studies report the benefits of probiotics, such as inhibitory effects on pathogens, aid in the management or prevention of chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases or atopic syndromes, and support to the immune system. Potential beneficial applications abound, researchers continue to evaluate the effictiveness and clarify the mechanisms of action of probiotics.