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HomeCancer ResearchAuthenticated Breast Cancer Cell Lines for Cancer Research

Authenticated Breast Cancer Cell Lines for Cancer Research

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women and a leading cause of death due to cancer. It starts as a localized tumor, but can metastasize to distant sites and cause mortality. Breast cancers are heterogeneous and pose challenges for diagnosis and treatment. Especially challenging are so-called triple negative breast cancers, or those in which the tumor does not express the three types of receptors most closely associated with breast cancer growth–estrogen, progesterone, and HER-2/neu and which do not respond to any hormonal therapies1.

Types of Breast Cancer

Ductal and lobular carcinomas are two types of breast cancers named for their tissues of origin. Based on the presence of receptors they are classified into hormone receptor-positive, HER2-positive, and triple-negative cancers.

Hormone receptor-positiveHER2-positiveTriple-negative
Cancer cells expressing either estrogen or progesterone receptors
Cancer cells expressing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)

Tumors which do not express any of the receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or human epidermal growth factor (HER2)
Cell lines: T47D, ZR-75-1, FM3A, ZR-75-30, MDA-MB-361, MCF7, MFM-223Cell lines: MTSV1-7 CE1, HMT-3522 S1, HMT-3522 S2Cell lines: Hs 578T, MDA-MB-157

Risk factors

Age is the major risk factor for breast cancer, where incidence increases with advancing age. Increased exposure to estrogen during menses at a young age, and first pregnancy at an older age are other important risk factors2.


Commonly mutated genes in breast cancer include PIK3CA, TP53, MED12, GATA3, and PTEN. However, mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 alone account for half of familial inherited breast cancer cases, and may additionally place individuals carrying these mutations at higher risk for other malignancies including ovarian cancer.

Select cell lines by genetic mutation from the table below and click genes to find relevant products (antibodies, shRNA, siRNA, primers, CRISPR plasmids) for your research study.

Small Molecules/Monoclonal Antibodies

Small molecule compounds and antibodies can be used to target cancer cells and block tumor growth and progression. There are various small molecule compounds and antibodies that can target breast cancer based on stage and type of tumor.

Types of targeted breast cancer drugs include:

  • Monoclonal antibodies (Trastuzumab, Pertuzumab)
  • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Lapatinib)
  • Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (Palbociclib, Ribociclib)
  • mTOR inhibitors (Everolimus).

In addition, investigations of poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors are underway to target triple negative breast cancers3.


Cancer cell lines are the foundation for cancer research. They have been extensively used in countless studies because they are easy to use and cost-effective. Based on the characteristics of the cell line and experimental need, cell lines may be used in one or more applications.

ApplicationCell line used
Drug response studiesMCF-10F, MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines were used to study the apoptotic effects of noscapine4 Anti-cancer effects of vitamin D analogues were investigated in tamoxifen-resistant MCF-7/TAMR-1 cell lines5
Evaluation of new treatment strategiesPanel of breast cancer cell lines, like T47D, MCF7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 were used to investigate the additive effects of cilengitide and radiation (combination treatment)6
Anti-cancer properties of a novel dual-target steroid sulfatase inhibitor (SR 161157) were studied in MCF7 and MCF-7/S0.5 cell lines7
Target identification/validationMCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines were used to evaluate novel drug targets, such as ATR and CHEK18
Targeted drug deliveryEffects of targeted drug delivery of nanoparticle formulations were studied in MCF7 cell line9
Growth factor signalingMFM-223 and MDA-MB-436 cell lines were employed to test the effects of adiponectin on cancer cell migration10
Cell migration studiesZR-75-30 cell line was used to investigate anti-migration effects of berberine, a plant-derived compound11
Tumor micro-environmentMCF7, T47D, MMT-060562 and ZR-75-1 cell lines12 were used to study the biological role of stromal cells (adipocytes) in tumor micro environment
PMC42-LA cell line was used as model to study the signaling between epithelial and stromal cells in the development of breast cancer13
miRNA regulation studiesBiological role of miR-155 was investigated in MDA-MB-157 cell line14

ECACC Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Product No.Cell NameCell Line Origin
100812011-7HB2Human breast cancer, adhesion properties
96112021BICR/M1RKRat Marshall mammary tumour
90060504C127IMouse RIII mammary tumour
90110502CL-S1Mouse BALB/c mammary alveolar nodules, pre-neoplastic
87091701CNC 127IMouse RIII mammary tumour
87100804FM3AMouse C3H mammary carcinoma
87111904FM3Ats C1.T85Mouse C3H mammary carcinoma
98102210HMT-3522 S1Human Caucasian breast epithelial
98102211HMT-3522 S2Human Caucasian breast epithelial
98102212HMT-3522 T4-2Human breast carcinoma
86082104Hs 578THuman breast carcinoma
86012803MCF7Human Caucasian breast adenocarcinoma
92020422MDA-MB-157Human breast medulla carcinoma
92020424MDA-MB-231Human Caucasian breast adenocarcinoma
92020423MDA-MB-361Human Caucasian breast adenocarcinoma; brain metastasis
98050130MFM-223Human Caucasian mammary carcinoma
90111911MMT-060562Mouse C57BL x A/F1 mammary tumour
10081202MTSV1-7 CE1Breast cancer, morphogenesis, adhesion properties
87121104P1.HTRMouse DBA/2 mastocytoma
87121103P1.HTR.TK-Mouse DBA/2 mastocytoma
87121102P1Bb1.1 (DBA/2)Mouse DBA/2 mastocytoma
85011406P815-1-1Mouse DBA/2 mastocytoma
94122105SVCTHuman breast epithelium, SV40 transformed
85102201T47DHuman breast tumour
85061102TA3 HauschkaMouse mammary carcinoma
05092804VP229Human breast cancer
05092805VP267Human breast cancer
05092806VP303Human breast cancer
87012601ZR-75-1Human Caucasian breast carcinoma
88113004ZR-75-30Human breast carcinoma


Hutchinson L. 2010. Challenges, controversies, breakthroughs. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 7(12):669-670.
STUCKEY A. 2011. Breast Cancer. 54(1):96-102.
Jamdade VS, Sethi N, Mundhe NA, Kumar P, Lahkar M, Sinha N. 2015. Therapeutic targets of triple-negative breast cancer: a review. Br J Pharmacol. 172(17):4228-4237.
Willmann L, Schlimpert M, Halbach S, Erbes T, Stickeler E, Kammerer B. 2015. Metabolic profiling of breast cancer: Differences in central metabolism between subtypes of breast cancer cell lines. Journal of Chromatography B. 100095-104.
Larsen SS, Heiberg I, Lykkesfeldt AE. Anti-oestrogen resistant human breast cancer cell lines are more sensitive towards treatment with the vitamin D analogue EB1089 than parent MCF-7 cells. Br J Cancer. 84(5):686-690.
Lautenschlaeger T, Perry J, Peereboom D, Li B, Ibrahim A, Huebner A, Meng W, White J, Chakravarti A. 2013. In vitro study of combined cilengitide and radiation treatment in breast cancer cell lines. Radiat Oncol. 8(1):
Rasmussen LM, Zaveri NT, Stenvang J, Peters RH, Lykkesfeldt AE. 2007. A novel dual-target steroid sulfatase inhibitor and antiestrogen: SR 16157, a promising agent for the therapy of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 106(2):191-203.
Abdel-Fatah TM, Middleton FK, Arora A, Agarwal D, Chen T, Moseley PM, Perry C, Doherty R, Chan S, Green AR, et al. 2015. Untangling the ATR-CHEK1 network for prognostication, prediction and therapeutic target validation in breast cancer. 9(3):569-585.
Dadras P, Atyabi F, Irani S, Ma'mani L, Foroumadi A, Mirzaie ZH, Ebrahimi M, Dinarvand R. 2017. Formulation and evaluation of targeted nanoparticles for breast cancer theranostic system. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9747-54.
Jia Z, Liu Y, Cui S. 2014. Adiponectin Induces Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Growth Factor Expression. Cell Biochem Biophys. 70(2):1239-1245.
Ma W, Zhu M, Zhang D, Yang L, Yang T, Li X, Zhang Y. 2017. Berberine inhibits the proliferation and migration of breast cancer ZR-75-30 cells by targeting Ephrin-B2. Phytomedicine. 2545-51.
Manabe Y, Toda S, Miyazaki K, Sugihara H. 2003. Mature adipocytes, but not preadipocytes, promote the growth of breast carcinoma cells in collagen gel matrix culture through cancer-stromal cell interactions. J. Pathol.. 201(2):221-228.
Lebret SC, Newgreen DF, Thompson EW, Ackland ML. 2007. Induction of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in PMC42-LA human breast carcinoma cells by carcinoma-associated fibroblast secreted factors. Breast Cancer Res. 9(1):
Zheng S, Guo G, Zhai Q, Zou Z, Zhang W. 2013. Effects of miR-155 Antisense Oligonucleotide on Breast Carcinoma Cell Line MDA-MB-157 and Implanted Tumors. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(4):2361-2366.
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