TrueGel3D buffer pH 5.5 is a component of the TrueGel3D Hydrogel system. The TrueGel3D buffer with pH 5.5 is recommended for fast gelling hydrogels, because the acidic pH (lower pH) slows down the formation of a gel allowing homogenous mixing of polymer and crosslinker before it solidify. However, in conjugation with TrueGel3D buffer pH 7.2, buffer with intermediate strengths can be prepared to modulate gelation kinetics. Both buffer systems (TRUEA and TRUEB) have pH indicator (phenol red) and strong buffering capacity to ensure a stable pH.
TrueGel3D buffers with pH 5.5 and 7.2 is used to modulate gelation kinetics
TrueGel3D™ is a synthetic hydrogels platform for 3D cell culture that aim to mimic the natural extracellular environment for more physiological culture conditions