Product reference P1890000 Piperacillin is an European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard as indicated in the product web page. The use of primary reference standards is prescribed by the issuing pharmacopeia.
EP Materials are supplied exclusively as European Pharmacopoeia Chemical Reference Substances, Biological Reference Preparations or Reference Spectra (Ph. Eur. CRS, BRP or RS) for use as reference standards in tests and assays carried out in accordance with the official methods of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and for no other purpose.
Here is how to access the information for part number P1890000:
1) Access the EDQM website by clicking on the blue link "EDQM reference substance catalog" in the "Description" section of the product web page.
2) Select "Catalog code" and enter the reference of the desired standard (P1890000)
3) Click on the reference in blue