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Look up Life Technologies Gibco Equivalents

Use our Life Technologies or Gibco Tissue Culture Media Cross Reference Chart to find our equivalent tissue culture products. These are direct replacements for Invitrogen Gibco cell culture products.

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Life Technologies Gibco to our products cross reference chart

Liquid products may be directly compared in the table. Any differences in products are noted in the right-hand column.

Life Technologies or Gibco Product No.Product No.Product DescriptionProduct Differences
10010023806552Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4Exact match. No differences.
10010031806552Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4Exact match. No differences.
10010049806552Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4Exact match. No differences.
10082139F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedFetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated
10082147F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedExact match. No differences.
10082170F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedExact match. No differences.
1009913312003CFetal Bovine Serum, Australian OriginExact match. No differences.
1009914112003CFetal Bovine Serum, Australian OriginExact match. No differences.
1009915812003CFetal Bovine Serum, Australian OriginExact match. No differences.
10100139F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies Gibco is Australia origin
10100147F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies Gibco is Australia origin
10100154F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies Gibco is Australia origin
10131027G8168G418 disulfate solutionExact match. No differences.
10131035G8168G418 disulfate solutionExact match. No differences.
10177012C3416Carbenicillin disodium saltExact match. No differences.
10213015C7039Cefotaxime sodium saltExact match. No differences.
10313021D6546Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
10370021M5650Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
10370039M5650Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
10372019M8537MCDB 131 MediumOur product is a powder, Life Technologies Gibco is liquid
10378016G1146L-Glutamine-Penicillin-Streptomycin solutionExact match. No differences.
10437010F0926Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA approvedExact match. No differences.
10437028F0926Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA approvedExact match. No differences.
10437036F0926Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA approvedExact match. No differences.
1043801812306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedExact match. No differences.
1043802612306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedExact match. No differences.
1043803412306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedExact match. No differences.
10564011D0819Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
10565018D0697Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
10566016D0819Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium AQmedia™Exact Match, No differences.
10569010D0822Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact Match, No differences.
10576015L8902Phytohemagglutinin PHA-M from Phaseolus vulgaris (red kidney bean)Exact match. No differences.
10639011S0192Stemline™ Hematopoietic Stem Cell Expansion MediumRecommended alternative.
10687010H0654Hygromycin B solutionExact Match, No difference.
10743011C1490EX-CELL® CD CHO-3 MediaRecommended alternative.
10743029C1490EX-CELL® CD CHO-3 MediaRecommended alternative.
10744019S0196Stemline® Keratinocyte II MediumRecommended alternative.
10907012G1777Glial Cell Line-derived Neurotrophic Factor humanExact match. No differences.
10908010B3795Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor humanExact match. No differences.
11018041A9418Albumin from bovine serumExact match. No differences.
11039021D6434Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies Gibco contains L-glutamine
11039047D6434Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies Gibco contains L-glutamine
11043023M4530Medium 199Our product contains phenol red, Life Technologies Gibco is without phenol red
11067030H0137HT Media Supplement (50x) Hybri-Max.Our product is 50X, lyophilized, Life Technologies Gibco is 100X, liquid
11090073M2279Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11090081M2279Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11090099M2279Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11095072M4655Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11095080M4655Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11095098M4655Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11101011C6164Cell Freezing Medium-DMSO (1W)Recommended alternative.
11107018T1283holo-Transferrin bovineExact match. No differences.
11108016T1428apo-TransferrinExact match. No differences.
11120052M6895MEM Vitamin Solution (100x)Exact match. No differences.
11130051M5550MEM Amino Acids Solution (50W)Exact match. No differences.
11140050M7145MEM Non-essential Amino Acid Solution (100x)Exact match. No differences.
11140076M7145MEM Non-essential Amino Acid Solution (100x)Exact match. No differences.
11150059M4530Medium 199Exact match. No differences.
11220035W1625Waymouth MB 752/1 MediumOur product is a powder, Life Technologies is liquid
1127902314660CEX-CELL® Sp2/0 Serum-Free MediumRecommended lternative.
11300027G9771Grace's Insect MediumExact match. No differences.
11320033D8062Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11330032D8437Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11330057D8437Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11344041H4034HEPESExact match. No differences.
11360070S8636Sodium pyruvate solutionExact match. No differences.
11380037M8028Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11405081I7760IPL-41 Insect MediumExact match. No differences.
11415064L1518L-15 Medium (Leibovitz)Exact match. No differences.
11430030M0275Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11530037C0422CMRL-1066Our product is a powder, Life Technologies is liquid
11550043N6908Nutrient Mixture F-10 HamExact match. No differences.
11575032M4780Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11605094G8142Grace's Insect MediumExact match. No differences.
11605102G8142Grace's Insect MediumExact match. No differences.
11667037G8142Grace's Insect MediumOur product is 1X, Life Technologies is 2X
11681020M3678MDCK Protein-free MediumRecommended alternative.
11700077M0769Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11710035G2549Glasgow Minimum Essential MediumExact match. No differences.
11720034S0146Schneider's Insect MediumExact match. No differences.
11765047N6658Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11765054N6658Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11765062N6658Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11765070N6658Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
11800042L9010Lactalbumin Enzymatic HydrolysateExact match. No differences.
11805017A9415Actinomycin DExact match. No differences.
11811023A1720G418 disulfate saltNon-branded form of Geneticin
11811031A1720G418 disulfate saltNon-branded form of Geneticin
11811098A1720G418 disulfate saltNon-branded form of Geneticin
11814019M3536Mycophenolic acid from Penicillium brevi-compactumExact match. No differences.
11825015M0650Medium 199Exact match. No differences.
11835030R7509RPMI 1640 MediumOur product does not contain L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
11835055R7509RPMI 1640 MediumOur product does not contain L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
11860038S9137Streptomycin sulfate saltExact match. No differences.
11875085R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11875093R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11875101R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11875119R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11875127R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11875135R8758RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
11885076D6046Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucoseExact match. No differences.
11885084D6046Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucoseExact match. No differences.
11885092D6046Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - low glucoseExact match. No differences.
11900024M0644Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11900073M0644Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
11905031L0288Lipid Mixture 1, Chemically DefinedExact match. No differences.
11960044D5671Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11960051D5671Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11960069D5671Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11960077D5671Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11965084D5796Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11965092D5796Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11965118D5796Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11965126D5796Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11995040D6429Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11995065D6429Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11995073D6429Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
11995081D6429Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12000022M0894Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12000063M0894Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12040077H4409Hybridoma Medium, Animal Component-freeRecommended alternative.
1204507614610CEX-CELL® 610-HSF Serum-Free MediumRecommended alternative.
1204508414610CEX-CELL® 610-HSF Serum-Free MediumRecommended alternative.
12052098C5467EX-CELL® ACF CHO MediumRecommended alternative.
12052114C5467EX-CELL® ACF CHO MediumRecommended alternative.
12100046D5648Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12100061D5648Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12200036I2510Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
12200069I2510Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
12318010F1051Fetal Bovine Serum, Canadian OriginExact match. No differences.
12318028F1051Fetal Bovine Serum, Canadian OriginExact match. No differences.
12318036F1051Fetal Bovine Serum, Canadian OriginExact match. No differences.
1231901812306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is Canadian origin
1231902612306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is Canadian origin
1231903412306CFetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is Canadian origin
1233801814571CEX-CELL® 293 MediumRecommended alternative.
12330031M8403McCoy's 5A MediumOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
12340030M7528Medium 199Our product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
12360038M7278Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12390035N2147Nutrient Mixture F-10 HamExact match. No differences.
12400024D8900Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
12430047D4822Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12430054D4822Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12430062D4822Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12440046I6529Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
12440053I6529Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
12440061I6529Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
12500062D0547Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
12500096D0547Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
12551032W4128Williams' Medium EExact match. No differences.
12561049M0200Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12561056M0200Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12571048M0450Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12571063M0450Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12571071M0450Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
12800017D7777Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
12800082D7777Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
13007018I0516Insulin solution from bovine pancreasOur product is liquid, Life Technologies is powder
13008016T5391apo-TransferrinExact match. No differences.
13028014P1476Pituitary Extract bovineRecommended alternative.
13241013F5542Fibroblast Growth Factor-Acidic humanExact match. No differences.
13244033P3201Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB humanExact match. No differences.
13245063I3769Insulin-like Growth Factor-I humanExact match. No differences.
13247051E9644Epidermal Growth Factor humanExact match. No differences.
13256029F0291Fibroblast Growth Factor-Basic humanExact match. No differences.
13257019N6009Nerve Growth Factor-2.5S from murine submaxillary glandExact match. No differences.
13290010N0513Nerve Growth Factor-7S from murine submaxillary glandExact match. No differences.
14025076H8264Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14025092H8264Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14040117D8662Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14040133D8662Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14040141D8662Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14040182D8662Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14040216D8662Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14065056H1641Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsOur product contains phenol red, Life Technologies is without phenol red
14080055D1283Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14170112H9394Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14170120H9394Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14170161H9394Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14175079H6648Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14175095H6648Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14175103H6648Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
14185052H4641Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsOur product contains phenol red, Life Technologies is without phenol red
14190136D8537Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14190144D8537Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14190235D8537Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14190250D8537Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
14200075D1408Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
15023021G7021D-(+)-Glucose anhydrousExact match. No differences.
15040066E8008Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solutionExact match. No differences.
15050057T4424Trypsin solution from porcine pancreasExact match. No differences.
15050065T4424Trypsin solution from porcine pancreasExact match. No differences.
15070063P4458Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution (50W) StabilizedExact match. No differences.
15090046T4549Trypsin solution from porcine pancreasExact match. No differences.
15140122P4333Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution (100x) StabilizedExact match. No differences.
15140148P4333Penicillin - Streptomycin Solution (100x) StabilizedExact match. No differences.
15160054K0129Kanamycin solution from Streptomyces kanamyceticusExact match. No differences.
15210040D1925Colcemid. solutionExact match. No differences.
15212012D1925Colcemid. solutionOur product in HBSS, Life Technologies in PBS
15230147W3500Water, Tissue Culture GradeExact match. No differences.
15230162W3500Water, Tissue Culture GradeExact match. No differences.
15230196W3500Water, Tissue Culture GradeExact match. No differences.
15230204W3500Water, Tissue Culture GradeExact match. No differences.
15240062A5955Antibiotic Antimycotic Solution, stabilized (100x)Exact match. No differences.
15240096A5955Antibiotic Antimycotic Solution, stabilized (100x)Exact match. No differences.
15250061T8154Trypan Blue solutionExact match. No differences.
15260037A8412Albumin solution from bovine serumExact match. No differences.
15290018A2942Amphotericin B preparationExact match. No differences.
15295017A9528Amphotericin B solubilizedRecommended alternative.
15305014T3924Trypsin-EDTA solutionOur product is liquid in HBSS, Life Technologies is lyophilized from 0.9% NaCl
15400054T4174Trypsin solution from porcine pancreasExact match. No differences.
15630080H0887HEPES solutionExact match. No differences.
15630106H0887HEPES solutionExact match. No differences.
15640055P4083Penicillin - Streptomycin - Neomycin solution stabilized (100x)Exact match. No differences.
15710064G1272Gentamicin solutionExact match. No differences.
15710072G1272Gentamicin solutionExact match. No differences.
15750060G1397Gentamicin solutionExact match. No differences.
15750078G1397Gentamicin solutionExact match. No differences.
16000036F2442Fetal Bovine SerumExact match. No differences.
16000044F2442Fetal Bovine SerumExact match. No differences.
16000069F2442Fetal Bovine SerumExact match. No differences.
16010142N4637Newborn Calf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16010159N4637Newborn Calf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16010167N4637Newborn Calf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
1603007412133CCalf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16050114H1270Horse SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16050122H1270Horse SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16050130H1270Horse SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16070096S2263Sheep SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16110082C5405Chicken SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16120099R4505Rabbit serumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16120107R4505Rabbit serumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16140063F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedRecommended higher quality alternative.
16140071F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedRecommended higher quality alternative.
16140089F4135Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat InactivatedRecommended higher quality alternative.
1617006012133CCalf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
1617007812133CCalf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
1617008612133CCalf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16210064G6767Goat Serum Donor HerdOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16210072G6767Goat Serum Donor HerdOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
16600082M8403McCoy's 5A MediumOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
16600108M8403McCoy's 5A MediumOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
17005042S0196Stemline® Keratinocyte MediumRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
17018029C9891Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticumRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
17075029T6522Trypsin inhibitor from Glycine max (soybean)Recommended alternative.
17100017C6885Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticumRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
17101015C9263Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticumRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
17104019C5138Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticumRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
17105041P3417Dispase from Bacillus polymyxaRecommended product, consult Certificate of Analysis for exact specifications
18180059Y1000Yeast extractOur product is a powder, Life Technologies is liquid
20012027P3288Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 at 25° COur product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
20012043P3288Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 at 25° COur product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
20012050P3288Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 at 25° COur product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
21010046B1522Basal Medium EagleOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
21013024D0422Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
21051024G8540L-GlutamineExact match. No differences.
21051040G8540L-GlutamineExact match. No differences.
31053044D1145Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
21083027L1518L-15 Medium (Leibovitz)Our product contains phenol red, Life Technologies is without phenol red
21127022N3520Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamOur product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
21300025D5773Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineOur product does not contain CaCl2, Life Technologies supplies a bottle of CaCl2.
21300058D5773Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
21340039N1140NCTC 109 MediumExact match. No differences.
21600010D5652Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
21600044D5652Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
21600069D5652Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineExact match. No differences.
21700018N6760Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
21700075N6760Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
21810031N6386Neomycin trisulfate salt hydrateExact match. No differences.
21850029P4932Polymyxin B sulfate saltExact match. No differences.
21870076R0883RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
21870084R0883RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
21870092R0883RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
21985023M75222-MercaptoethanolOur product is pure reagent, Life Technologies is 55mM solution
22400071R5158RPMI-1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
22400089R5158RPMI-1640 MediumOur product contains 6.0g/L NaCl,
Gibco contains 5.3g/L NaCl.
22400097R5158RPMI-1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
22400105R5158RPMI-1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
23017015L2020Laminin from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm murine sarcoma (basement membrane)Exact match. No differences.
23400021R4130RPMI-1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
23400062R4130RPMI-1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
24020117H9269Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
24020125H9269Hanks' Balanced Salt SolutionsExact match. No differences.
24040032P5556Pluronic F-68 solutionExact match. No differences.
25030081G7513L-Glutamine solutionOur product is in water, Life Technologies glutamine is in NaCl
25030149G7513L-Glutamine solutionOur product is in water, Life Technologies glutamine is in NaCl
25080094S8761Sodium bicarbonate solutionExact match. No differences.
25200056T4049Trypsin-EDTA solutionOur product contains 0.2g/L EDTA-4Na, Life Technologies contains 0.38g/L EDTA-4Na.
25200072T4049Trypsin-EDTA solutionOur product contains 0.2g/L EDTA-4Na, Life Technologies contains 0.38g/L EDTA-4Na.
25300054T3924Trypsin-EDTA solutionExact match. No differences.
25300062T3924Trypsin-EDTA solutionExact match. No differences.
26010066N4762Newborn Calf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
26010074N4762Newborn Calf SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
26050070H1138Horse Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
26050088H1138Horse Serum, Heat InactivatedOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
26140079F2442Fetal Bovine SerumRecommended higher quality alternative.
26140087F2442Fetal Bovine SerumRecommended higher quality alternative.
26140095F2442Fetal Bovine SerumRecommended higher quality alternative.
26250084P9783Porcine SerumOur product is US origin, Life Technologies is New Zealand origin
26400036F0392Fetal Bovine Serum, DialyzedExact match. No differences.
26400044F0392Fetal Bovine Serum, DialyzedExact match. No differences.
27016021R6767RPMI 1640 MediumOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains L-glutamine
27250018T4799Trypsin porcine pancreasRecommended alternative.
31033020C5467CHO MediumRecommended alternative.
31053028D1145Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - high glucoseExact match. No differences.
31062011H0262HAT Media Supplement (50W) Hybri-Max.Our product is 50X, Life Technologies is 100X
31100019M5017Medium 199Exact match. No differences.
31100035M5017Medium 199Exact match. No differences.
31765035N3790Nutrient Mixture F-12 HamExact match. No differences.
31800022R6504RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
31800089R6504RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
31800105R6504RPMI 1640 MediumExact match. No differences.
31980030I2911Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's MediumExact match. No differences.
31985062M3817MegaCell™ RPMI-1640 MediumRecommended alternative.
31985070M3817MegaCell™ RPMI-1640 MediumRecommended alternative.
31985088M3817MegaCell™ RPMI-1640 MediumRecommended alternative.
32561037M6199Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
32571036M6074Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
33016015F2006Fibronectin from human plasmaExact match. No differences.
35050061G8541Ala-GlnExact match. No differences.
41061029M0450Minimum Essential Medium EagleOur product contains phenol red, Life Technologies is without phenol red
41090036M0446Minimum Essential Medium AQmedia™Exact match. No differences.
41300039L4386L-15 Medium (Leibovitz)Exact match. No differences.
41300070L4386L-15 Medium (Leibovitz)Exact match. No differences.
41400045I3146ITS Liquid Media Supplement (100x)Exact match. No differences.
41500018M0643Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
41500034M0643Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
41500083M0643Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
42360032M7278Minimum Essential Medium EagleOur product is without L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains dipeptide Glutamax
51200038M2279Minimum Essential Medium EagleOur product contains phenol red, Life Technologies is without phenol red
51300044S5791SPIT Medium Supplement (100x)Exact match. No differences.
51500056S4920SITE Liquid Media Supplement (100x)Exact match. No differences.
51985034M3817MegaCell™ RPMI-1640 MediumRecommended alternative.
61100061M0268Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
61100087M0268Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
61100103M0268Minimum Essential Medium EagleExact match. No differences.
61870036R2405RPMI 1640 AQmedia™Exact match. No differences.
70011044P3813Phosphate Buffered Saline, pH 7.4Our product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
70013032P3288Phosphate buffer pH 7.2 at 25° COur product is powder, Life Technologies is liquid
72400047R7388RPMI-1640 MediumOur product contains L-glutamine, Life Technologies contains dipeptide Glutamax
Q10019T7660Tetracycline hydrochlorideExact match. No differences.
R25001B8416Bleomycin sulfate from Streptomyces verticillusExact match. No differences.
R25005B8416Bleomycin sulfate from Streptomyces verticillusExact match. No differences.
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