- Nonequilibrium fluctuation relation for sheared micellar gel in a jammed state.
Nonequilibrium fluctuation relation for sheared micellar gel in a jammed state.
We show that the shear rate at a fixed shear stress in a micellar gel in a jammed state exhibits large fluctuations, showing positive and negative values, with the mean shear rate being positive. The resulting probability distribution functions of the global power flux to the system vary from Gaussian to non-Gaussian, depending on the driving stress, and in all cases show similar symmetry properties as predicted by the Gallavotti-Cohen steady state fluctuation relation. The fluctuation relation allows us to determine an effective temperature related to the structural constraints of the jammed state. We have measured the stress dependence of the effective temperature. Further, experiments reveal that the effective temperature and the standard deviation of the shear-rate fluctuations increase with the decrease of the system size.