Quantitative Analysis of PFAS in Drinking Water by LC-MS/MS According to GB 5750.8-2023
Jack Wang
R&D APAC lab, Shanghai, China
This method for the simultaneous determination of 27 PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) was established in accordance with GB 5750.8-2023. Water samples were enriched and concentrated using a weak anion exchange (WAX) solid-phase extraction column. For all 27 analytes, an excellent linear response was observed in the range of 5 to 200 µg/L (injected standard solutions), and the correlation coefficient R2 was greater than 0.9950 for each molecule. The limits of quantitation for 27 PFAS compounds in the water samples were 2.97-4.92 ng/L. The recoveries were 79.0-83.4%, and the relative standard deviations were 1.6-4.6%.
Section Overview
PFAS are persistent organic compounds that exist widely in the environment. Recent awareness has drawn attention to the toxicity of these substances. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a common technique for the determination of perfluoroalkanes.1-5
In the new version of the Chinese national standard for drinking water, GB 5750.8-20236, sections 84 and 85 designate 11 PFAS compounds as critical target analytes for drinking water testing. Part 84 of GB 5750.8 stipulates 11 perfluorinated compounds to be analyzed, which are PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFBS, PFHxS, PFHpS, and PFOS. The sample pretreatment method, LC-MS/MS method conditions, and qualitative and quantitative ion information are described in detail. Part 85 of GB 5750.8. requires only the determination of PFOS (Figure 1). The sample pretreatment method and other method details are the same as for section 84. The required Limit of Quantification (LOQ) for the analytes is given with 5 ng/L, and the linear concentration range for the external calibration is given with 5.0-200 µg/L (representing concentrations in the water sample of 5-200 ng/L considering the sample pre-treatment enrichment factor of 1:1000) with linearity R2 >0.9950.

Figure 1.Example PFAS (chemical structure of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, PFOS)
In this study, 27 PFAS target compounds (Table 1), including PFBA, PFMPA, PFPeA, and PFMOBA, were selected for detection and analysis in drinking water based on the guidelines in the updated standard GB 5750.8-2023 and target compounds established by the EPA. Method verification indicators and internal quality control were implemented in accordance with the provisions of the GB 5750.8-2023 method.
Standard, Sample, and Reagent Preparation
Reagent solutions, standards, and samples were prepared according to the following procedures as described in the GB method.
Reagent Preparation
- Aqueous methanol (30/70): Combine 30 mL methanol and 70 mL water and mix well (prepare freshly).
- Ammonia solution in aqueous methanol (0.1%): Add 500 μL ammonia (28.0-30.0% NH3) to a 500 mL volumetric flask, fill to the mark with aqueous methanol and mix well (prepare fresh).
- Ammonium acetate aqueous solution (0.025 mol/L): Dissolve 0.9635 g ammonium acetate in 500 mL water, mix well, and adjust to pH 4 with acetic acid (≥99.8%).
- Ammonium acetate aqueous solution (0.005 mol/L): Dissolve 0.3854 g ammonium acetate in 1 L water and mix well.
Standard and Sample Preparation
Standard preparation
- PFAS stock solution I (1000 mg/L): Dissolve 10.0 mg of each of the 27 PFAS reference materials in 10 mL methanol. Keep the resulting solution at 0 °C to 4 °C; it can be stored for three months.
- PFAS stock solution II (10 mg/L): Pipette 1 mL of PFAS stock solution Ⅰ into a 100 mL amber glass volumetric flask and fill up to the mark with methanol. Store at 0°C to 4°C and protected from light.
- PFAS stock solution III (1 mg/L): Pipette 1 mL of PFAS stock solution II into a 10 mL amber glass volumetric flask and fill up to the mark with methanol. Store at 0°C to 4°C and protected from light.
- PFAS standard solutions 1-5: Prepare a total of five standard working solutions (nos. 1-5) by pipetting 5 μL, 10 μL, 50 μL, 100 μL, and 200 μL, respectively, of PFAS stock solution III into five separate 1 mL vials. Fill vials up to the mark with methanol. The concentrations of PFAS in the resulting solutions are 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100, and 200 μg/L, respectively.
Sample Preparation
- Water sample: Dissolve 4.625 g ammonium acetate in 1 L of the water sample to be analyzed and mix well. The pH of the resulting water sample is 6.8-7.0.
- Extraction by SPE:
- Conditioning: Connect the SPE-WAX solid-phase extraction tube bed wt. 500 mg, volume 6 mL (Supelclean™ ENVI-WAX, 54057-U), to a PFAS-free Visiprep™ SPE vacuum manifold (57030-U), and condition with 5 mL ammonia-methanol solution (0.1%), 7 mL methanol, and re-equilibrate with 10 mL water.
- Loading: Pipette pre-treated sample (1 L) onto the SPE tube; in order not to negatively affect recovery rates, a flow rate of 8 mL/min must not be exceeded.
- Washing: After the sample is finished (Step 2 complete), wash the sample with 5 mL ammonium acetate aqueous solution followed by 12 mL water.
- Drying: Dry the SPE-WAX solid-phase extraction tube for 15 min under vacuum.
- Elution: Elute with 5 mL methanol and 7 mL ammonia solution in methanol. Collect eluate in a 15 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube.
- Evaporation & reconstitution: Blow down samples to almost complete dryness using nitrogen and a water bath (temperature ≤ 40°C). Reconstitute with aqueous methanol (30/70) to result in a 1 mL sample volume and vortex. This represents an enrichment of 1:1000.
- Spiking experiments: For the determination of method recovery (%) and precision, prepare two samples by mixing 1 L of drinking water sample with 30 μL and 50 μL of PFAS stock solution III, respectively. The concentration of PFAS in the two samples is 30 ng/L (utilized for the analysis of precision) and 50 ng/L (recovery).
LC-MS/MS Analysis
Contamination by PFAS compounds originating from the HPLC system and materials used in analysis is a concern. Therefore, a highly retentive Ascentis® Express PFAS Delay column was placed in front of the injector to provide retention of PFAS compounds originating from the mobile phase system across various mobile phase conditions. It delays the instrument background and prevents interference with peaks originating from the analyzed/injected samples.
For the separation, a Fused-Core® Ascentis® Express PFAS HPLC column was used, which is application tested for PFAS analysis to provide reliable and efficient separations.
The obtained sample extracts and standards were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using the parameters described in Tables 2 & 3.
Results & Discussion
Drinking water samples were pre-teated with ammonium acetate, prepared by solid-phase extraction (SPE), and analyzed by UHPLC-MS/MS, with the MS being operated in MRM mode. The 27 PFAS target analytes were quantified using an external standard calibration. In Figure 2, the result for an unspiked drinking water sample is displayed. Table 4 lists the MRM transition used and the chromatographic data obtained by the analysis of a spiked drinking water sample.

Figure 2.LC-MS/MS chromatogram of an unspiked drinking water sample.
The external calibration for all 27 PFAS using 5 PFAS standard solutions (c = 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100, and 200 μg/L) provided R2 linearity values between 0.9982 and 0.9999.
As an example, the results of the calibration for PFBA are displayed in Figure 3 and Table 5. All other PFAS provided similar results (see the table in the appendix).

Figure 3.Calibration curve obtained by the analysis of PFBA standard solutions 1-5 (c = 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100, and 200 μg/L).
Data Precision and Recovery (%)
The drinking water sample with a PFAS concentration of 30 ng/L was used for evaluation of method precision (n=7), while the second sample (PFAS concentration 50 ng/L) was used to assess method recovery (n=6). Summarized results obtained are shown in Table 6. For precision, the %RSD ranged from 1.6 to 4.6%, and the recovery rates were between 79.0 and 83.4%.
For the sensitivity determination for the LC method, the baseline noise of a blank drinking water sample was employed: 3N/X was used to determine Limit of Detection (LOD), and 10N/X was used to determine Limit of Quantification (LOQ). LODs ranged from 0.99-1.64 µg/L and LOQ from 2.97-4.92 µg/L for the LC method (Table 7) representing concentrations in the water samples of 0.99-1.64 ng/L and 2.97-4.92 ng/L respectively.
A method for the simultaneous determination of 27 PFAS in drinking water by UHPLC-MS/MS using a Fused-Core® Ascentis® Express PFAS column was developed. An Ascentis® Express PFAS Delay column was installed to prevent instrument background interferences. Water samples were enriched and concentrated by SPE using a Supelclean® ENVI-WAX weak anion exchange tube.
The 27 PFAS showed for the external calibration of the LC-MS a good linear relationship in the range of 5-200 µg/L (representing , considering the applied sample preparation, water sample concentrations of 5-200 ng/L), and the correlation coefficients R2 were greater than 0.9950. The recoveries were 79.0-83.4%, the relative standard deviations were 1.6-4.6%, and the limits of quantitation (LOQ) for the LC method for 27 PFAS compounds were 2.97-4.92 μg/L, representing concentrations in the water samples of 2.97-4.92 ng/L.
The method performed excellently regarding selectivity, peak shape, and necessary retention and can therefore be used for the detection and analysis of PFAS in drinking water in accordance with the GB 5750.8-2023 standard with high accuracy and reliability.
Explore our PFAS standards portfolio and Solvents for PFAS analysis.
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