Product B34702 is provided for research and development use. There are numerous uses for this compound in research applications. Please see a couple of citations below that you may find beneficial.
Oxidative Ring-Opening of Aromatics: Decomposition of Biphenyl Carboxylic Acids and Zinc Biphenyl Carboxylates
Natalia Montoya Sánchez and Arno de Klerk
Energy & Fuels 2015 29 (12), 7910-7922
DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02066
Harnessing the Energy of Visible Light to Promote LMCT of Cu(II) Species for Intramolecular Dehydrogenative Lactonization of Biaryl-2-carboxylic Acids
Partha Pratim Sen and Sudipta Raha Roy
Organometallics 2023 42 (13), 1658-1666
DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.3c00210