- Application of molecular source tracking and mass balance approach to identify potential sources of fecal indicator bacteria in a tropical river.
Application of molecular source tracking and mass balance approach to identify potential sources of fecal indicator bacteria in a tropical river.
Microbial source tracking and a mass balance approach were used to identify sources of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in the Hanalei River, Kaua'i, Hawai'i. Historically, concentrations enterococci and Clostridium perfringens were significantly higher during storm flows compared to non-storm flows in the Hanalei River, and correlated to total suspended solids in the river. During targeted dry weather studies, the Hanalei River bed sediments and streambank soils were documented to harbor E. coli, enterococci, and the human- and pig-specific fecal markers in Bacteroidales, suggesting that sediments and soils may be potential sources of these microorganisms to the Hanalei river. The human-specific marker in Bacteroidales was four times as likely to be detected in sediment and soil samples as in water samples. Furthermore, the occurrence of host-specific source tracking markers is indicative that a portion of FIB present in the Hanalei River are of fecal origin. A mass balance approach was used to explore causes of observed FIB loadings and losses along different reaches of the river. Resuspension or deposition of FIB-laden river sediments cannot account for changes in E. coli and enterococci concentrations along the river during dry weather. Additionally, losses due to bacterial inactivation were insignificant. Groundwater and ditches draining agricultural and urban lands were shown to provide sufficient FIB fluxes to account for the observed loads along some river reaches. The presence of the human-specific Bacteroidales marker in the river water, sediments and adjacent soils, as well as the presence of the human enterovirus marker in the water, suggests that there is widespread human fecal contamination in the Hanalei River that is likely a result of nearby wastewater disposal systems.