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HomeWebinarsPapo com Ciência 4: o futuro sustentável dos negócios

Papo com Ciência 4: o futuro sustentável dos negócios


What Does it Cover?
In this fourth edition of Papo com Ciência, we will address:
Sustainability from the perspective of Green Chemistry; Impact of this nowadays and circular economy vision;  Challenges related to the generation of value in companies combined with the concern with environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, in other words, ESG

What Will You Learn?
-Sustainability from the perspective of Green Chemistry;
- Impact of this nowadays and circular economy vision;
- Challenges related to the generation of value in companies combined with the concern with environmental, social, and corporate governance issues, in other words, ESG

Who Should Attend?
- Academics research and professors
- Industry manager, student, supervision
- In segments such as marketing, engineering, supply chain, quality control, validation


Dr. Antônio Augusto

Dr. Antônio Augusto



Dr. Antônio Augusto - Head researcher at SENAI Institutes for Innovation in Green Chemistry and Inspection & Integrity. Leader of R&D projects focusing on sustainability, green chemistry, chemical technologies, and new materials. Invited Professor at the Graduate Program (FIOCRUZ), Biomedical at UFRJ, and Master in Public Health.

Dr. Karina Cardozo

Dr. Karina Cardozo

Grupo Fleury


Dra. Karina Cardozo - Researcher at Grupo Fleury leading the development, validation, and automation of new diagnostic tests in the area of ​​chromatography and mass spectrometry. Graduated in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry of USP‑SP, and Ph.D. in Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Institute of Chemistry of USP‑SP

Dr. Emerson Rodrigo da Silva

Dr. Emerson Rodrigo da Silva



Dr. Emerson Rodrigo da Silva - Ph.D. in Physics from USP-SP and adjunct professor at the Department of Biophysics at UNIFESP. He currently coordinates a FAPESP project that seeks to elucidate the structure of new bioactive matrices based on peptides and nucleotides for biomedical applications.

Dr. Suzana Borschiver

Dr. Suzana Borschiver



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