
Binding and elution behavior of proteins on strong cation exchangers.

Journal of chromatography. A (2009-10-10)
Timothy M Pabst, Eric J Suda, Kristin E Thomas, Paul Mensah, Natraj Ramasubramanyan, Mark E Gustafson, Alan K Hunter

This work provides a broad survey of binding and elution behavior of proteins on strong cation exchangers. Four proteins comprising two monoclonal antibodies, lysozyme, and cytochrome c were used as models in the investigation. Seven chromatography resins with different base matrices were compared. Dynamic binding capacity as a function of salt concentration was examined for a monoclonal antibody and lysozyme. Elution behavior as a function of gradient slope was modeled to determine the characteristic charge, essentially a measure of the number of sites involved in binding, for each protein on each resin. Trends with respect to dynamic binding capacity and elution behavior are analyzed and discussed.