- Detection of extra-cellular enzymes of anaerobic gram-negative bacteria from clinically diseased and healthy sites.
Detection of extra-cellular enzymes of anaerobic gram-negative bacteria from clinically diseased and healthy sites.
Anaerobic gram-negative bacteria (AGNB) produce enzymes that play a significant role in the development of disease. We tested 50 AGNB isolates, 25 each from clinically diseased and healthy human sites for in vitro production of caseinase, collagenase, etc. Majority of the isolates were Bacteroides fragilis and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which more commonly produced collagenase and haemolysin. Comparatively larger number of clinical AGNB produced collagenase (P = 0.004). No such difference was observed with other enzymes. Hence, collagenase is probably one of the key virulence markers of pathogenic AGNB, and the inhibitors targeting collagenases might help in the therapy of anaerobic infections.