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Showing 1-30 of 18658 results
Protein Concentration for Large Volumes Samples
For filtering large volumes of biological solutions, we manufacture specialized equipment including centrifugal filtering devices, discs, cells and solvents.
Concentrating Large Volumes With Centricon® Plus-70 Centrifugal Filter Device
Large-volume centrifugal filter devices are a convenient alternative to stirred cell ultrafiltration devices for purifying proteins from large volumes of solution.
Purification of Membrane Proteins
This page shows how to perform a purification of His-tagged membrane proteins.
Troubleshooting Detection Methods for GST-tagged Proteins
This page describes troubleshooting strategies in the detection of GST-tagged proteins.
Performing an Isolation of Recombinant Protein Complexes
This page provides information about performing an isolation of recombinant protein complexes with different pull-down assays with products from Cytiva.
Peptide Impurities
Peptide Impurities
Fragmentation of chromatin for ChIP applications
Fragmentation of chromatin in Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
ChIP-X: Cross-linking proteins to DNA and cell lysis
X-ChIP: Cross-linking proteins to DNA and cell lysis
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Troubleshooting Tips
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Troubleshooting Tips
Assay Procedure for Cholesterol Esterase
Protocol for Assay Procedure for Cholesterol Esterase
Vitronectin is a glycoprotein present in plasma and tissues. Together with fibronectin, vitronectin is one of the major cell adhesion proteins in plasma.
Drug transport assays in a 96-well system: reproducibility and correlation to human absorption
Application note on Drug transport assays in a 96-well system using Millicell-96 System from Millipore.
Membrane Integrity Test for Lipid-PAMPA Artificial Membranes
This is a protocol for a Membrane Integrity test for Lipid-PAMPA Artificial Membranes
Practical Considerations for IEX Separation
This page covers detailed aspects of each step in an IEX separation to improve resolution and overall performance.
Duolink® PLA Technology for Neuroscience Applications
Duolink® proximity ligation assay used to study neuron interactions furthering neuroscience research.
Evaluation of the reproducibility of Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assays (PAMPA)
This is a white paper on the Evaluation of the reproducibility of Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assays (PAMPA) using MultiScreen® Filter Plates.
Principles and Standard Conditions for Different Purification Techniques
This page describes principles and standard conditions for different purification techniques of histidine-tagged proteins using Cytiva products.
Strep•Tag® II Fusion Tag Provides Rapid One-Step Affinity Purification
Strep•Tag® II/Strep•Tactin® combines high specificity with gentle elution to provide highly purified, potentially active, recombinant proteins or protein complexes.
Performing a Separation with HiTrap® Protein G HP
Purify monoclonal or polyclonal IgG from serum, cell culture supernatant or ascitic fluid using the HiTrap Protein G HP from Cytiva, an affinity-exclusion chromatography product containing Sepharose-immobilized Protein G.
Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
Sigma-Aldrich presents a Biofiles on Detect, Visualize and Quantify Single Post-Translational Modifications
Cleavage and Purification of GST-Tagged Protein Eluted from GSTrap
This page shows how to cleave and purify GST-tagged proteins eluted from GSTrap from Cytiva.
Purification using GST SpinTrap™
This page shows how to purify GST-tagged proteins using GST SpinTrap™ from Cytiva.
Single Molecule Detection with Atto 647N NTA
Significant improvement of single molecule tracking by using superior fluorescent NTA-Atto 647N conjugate
Immunoprecipitation Techniques
This page describes immunoprecipitation (immunoaffinity or pull-down techniques).
Liquid Visual Tests
Liquid Visual Tests
Understanding and Optimizing PCR eBook Download
PCR success can vary greatly depending on sample prep, reagent purity, and experimental design. This eBook covers key factors in PCR optimization including:
KOD One™ PCR Master Mix
Complete the form below to be the first to know when KOD One™ PCR Master Mix is ready to ship!
Determination of Phospholipid Oxidation by UV/VIS Spectroscopy - Avanti® Polar Lipids
The percent oxidation of a phospholipid can be determined by using Beer’s Law to calculate the peroxidized phospholipid’s concentration from its absorbance at 234 nm.
Sweet Orange Essential Oil GC Analysis
Fast GC analysis of sweet orange essential oil in hexane. Key components identified includes: β-Farnesene; α-Huµlene; Germacrene D; (+)-Valencene; Bicyclogermacrene; (+)-δ-Cadinene
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