
Neurohumoral modulators and sodium balance in experimental heart failure.

The American journal of physiology (1993-04-01)
D Villarreal, R H Freeman, R A Johnson

The acute and chronic interactions of the renal nerves, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), and mineralocorticoids for the regulation of sodium balance were examined in dogs with an arteriovenous (AV) fistula and the syndrome of high-output heart failure (HOHF) (n = 6). After the AV fistula and bilateral renal denervation, the animals avidly retained sodium for 5-7 days and then regained sodium balance for the subsequent 3 wk. This compensation was associated with the sustained elevations of plasma ANF and the normalization of plasma renin. Subsequent administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) for 10 days produced consistent sodium retention despite additional elevations in plasma ANF. All of these responses were similar to previous studies in AV fistula dogs with intact renal nerves. In a separate part of the study, the renal actions of acute synthetic ANF infusions were examined in these renal-denervated AV fistula dogs before and after DOCA. In the pre-DOCA experiments, ANF infusions at 15, 30, and 100 ng.kg-1.min-1 produced dose-related increases in urinary sodium excretion and significant elevations in creatinine clearance. In the presence of DOCA, urinary sodium excretion was markedly attenuated during identical ANF infusions. The composite results suggest that mineralocorticoids have an important modulatory role for the regulation of sodium balance in experimental HOHF. However, compared with earlier studies in compensated AV fistula dogs with intact renal nerves, the present studies demonstrate that blockade of efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity can restore the natriuretic expression of acute elevations in circulating ANF.


酢酸デオキシコルチコステロン, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard