  • The equivalence of diffusive samplers to reference methods for monitoring O3, benzene and NO2 in ambient air.

The equivalence of diffusive samplers to reference methods for monitoring O3, benzene and NO2 in ambient air.

Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM (2008-08-30)
Daniela Buzica, Michel Gerboles, Hervé Plaisance

A study of the equivalence to the reference methods of the Radiello samplers for ozone (O(3)) and benzene as well as the membrane-closed Palmes tube (MCPT) for nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) is presented. These samplers benefit from new model equations capable of estimating their uptake rate. For O(3), the aim here was to demonstrate the equivalence for the reference period of 8 h and 120 microg m(-3), the target value of the 3rd European Daughter Directive. For benzene, the demonstration of equivalence to the annual limit value of 5 microg m(-3) of the 2nd European Daughter Directive was examined. In the case of NO(2), the equivalence to the annual limit value of the 1st European Daughter Directive (40 microg m(-3)) was considered. Results show that the radial sampler for O(3) fails to meet the Data Quality Objective (DQO) for continuous monitoring. However, with an expanded uncertainty of less than 30%, the O(3) diffusive sampler fulfils the DQO for indicative measurements. For benzene, the Radiello sampler exposed for 7 days gave satisfying results showing the ability of the sampler to meet the DQO of the reference method. Nevertheless, the field tests should be complemented by measurements for a wider range of benzene concentrations. In the case of NO(2), all the results of the laboratory and field experiments respected the requirements necessary for the demonstration of equivalence. Overall, these findings thus show that the Radiello sampler and the MCPT are equivalent to the reference methods only for assessment of benzene and NO(2), respectively.


radiello 小柱吸附剂, for sampling BTEX and VOCs (CS2 Desorption), matrix SS net (100 mesh, 5.8 mm diam.), activated with activated charcoal (30-50 mesh), pk of 20
radiello 三角支撑板, pk of 20
radiello 扩散体外壳, white, configured for general use, pk of 20
radiello 小柱吸附剂, for sampling Aldehydes, matrix SS net with 2,4-DNPH coated FLORISIL®, pk of 20
radiello 小柱吸附剂, for sampling Ammonia (NH3), matrix microporous PE impregnated with phosphoric acid, pk of 20
radiello 扩散体外壳, blue, configured for sampling light sensitive compounds, pk of 20
radiello 扩散体外壳, yellow, configured for reduced sampling rates, pk of 20
radiello 小柱吸附剂, for sampling BTEX and VOCs (thermal desorption), matrix SS net (3 x 8 μm, 4.8 mm diam.), Carbograph, pk of 20
radiello 亚甲蓝校正标准样,用于 H2S(硫化氢), pkg of 100 mL
radiello 室外防护罩, pk of 10
radiello 条形码标签, pk of 198
radiello 竖直连接头, threaded for standard use, pk of 20
radiello BTEX/VOC Starter试剂盒,CS2解吸
radiello 过滤套装, pk of 20
radiello BTEX/VOC 起动包,热解吸
radiello BTEX 校正套装(热解吸)
radiello Starter试剂盒
Radiello 现场温度计, Includes one standard Radiello vertical adapter (RAD122) for each thermometer, configured for standard use, pk of 3
radiello 麻醉气体和蒸气采样器
radiello 空储存管, glass (with stopper), volume 2.8 mL, pk of 100
radiello 小柱吸附剂, for sampling Anaesthetic Gases/Vapors, matrix SS net with mix of mol sieve and activated charcoal (30-50 mesh), pk of 20
radiello 空储存管, polypropylene (with stopper), volume 12 mL, pk of 100
radiello BTEX 校正套装(CS2 解吸)
radiello 夹, suspending Radiello triangular support plate, pk of 20
radiello 1,3-丁二烯起动包,热解吸, pkg of 1 kit (2 RAD141 adsorbing cartridges and barcode labels, 1 RAD1202 yellow diffusive body, 1 RAD121 triangular support plate, 1 instruction sheet)
radiello 扩散体外壳, permeative, configured for anaesthetic gases and vapors, pk of 20
Radiello 现场温度计, Reader, pk of 1
radiello 固定条备件, for use with Radiello Outdoor Shelter, pk of 100