法拉第实验室:电合成工作站是一种即插即用的电化学合成电源控制器。法拉第实验室提供了三种实验类型(恒电流、恒电压和 CV),同时支持保存和导出反应数据,是助您顺利进军电合成的完美利器。法拉第实验室广泛兼容各种实验室器具和电极设置,包括我们自己的 SynLectro™ 电解平台。
- Brochure: SynLectro™ Electrolysis Platform
Our SynLectro™ Electrolysis Platform is designed to simplify and standardize electrochemical organic synthesis at research and batch scale.
- Article: SynLectro™ Electrolysis Platform
Find out how to this platform simplifies and standardizes electrochemical organic synthesis to make it more efficient, cleaner and cheaper.
- Article: Visible-light Photoredox Catalysis
Photoredox chemistry is a powerful tool in organic synthesis. Find the right photoreactor for your experiment.
- Article: Acid and Base Chart — Table of Acids & Bases
Use this chart to find the relative strength of the most common acids and bases.
- Article: Aldol Condensation Reaction
Learn about this useful carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction first introduced by Charles Wurtz.
- Article: Greener Chemistry: Methods and Products for Amide Bond Formation
Explore our products for catalytic amidation technology to make your organic synthesis more sustainable.
- Article: Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation Reaction
Learn about the benefits, applications, and recent research for this useful reaction technique and explore our products.
- Article: Spirocyclic Building Blocks for Scaffold Assembly
Explore our suit of spirocyclic building blocks developed in collaboration with Professor Dr. Carreira and Spirochem.
- Article: Diels–Alder Reaction
Browse our products for cycloaddition and learn more about the applications of this reaction, which was awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry.
- Aldrichimica Acta: Pioneer Your Pathway Discovery
Take a deep dive into preparative batch-type electrosynthesis, reductive electrosynthesis, and emerging trends in organic electrocatalysis.