DPX Tips are dispersive SPE (solid phase extraction) tips primarily used in small molecule applications. They facilitate sample preparation in the LCMS workflow by allowing automated and rapid extraction through simple pipetting up and down at each step. The HybridSPE sorbent inside is designed to remove phospholipids from biological samples, making these tips particularly suitable for clinical and other applications related to blood, serum, plasma, or any matrix where phospholipids are a concern. Additionally, DPX Tips with Supel Swift HLB material inside, targeting cleanup for clinical applications, will soon be available, with the initial application notes focusing on opioids in urine and hormones in serum.
BioSPME SPEit Tips do not draw up any liquid. They consist of an SPME fiber affixed to a pipette tip, allowing for the extraction of small analytes of interest from the sample. However, they are noted to be less reproducible, and not recommended unless specifically required for free unbound small analytes. They have limited applicability.
Ziptips are primarily used for large molecule applications and desalting of peptides