This product has not been tested as an anterograde tracer to detect neuronal terminations, and no reference was found for this type of application. The products C3741 Cholera Toxin B subunit and L8777 Lectin from Phytolacca americana (pokeweed) had been referenced as neuroanatomical tracers. Below are the references:
"Unmyelinated fibers of the anterior ethmoidal nerve in the rat co-localize with neurons in the medullary dorsal horn and ventrolateral medulla activated by nasal stimulation" by Hollandsworth MP, et al., Brain Research (2009).
"An anterograde neuroanatomical tracing method that shows the detailed morphology of neurons, their axons and terminals: immunohistochemical localization of an axonally transported plant lectin, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L)" by C R Gerfen, P E Sawchenko, Brain Research (1984-01-09).