Cleaning Procedure:
Metal contamination is indicated by shortened retention times and/or skewed peaks. Flush the column in the reverse flow direction following column-specific conditions listed below; do NOT connect the column to the detector during this process. Monitor the system closely to ensure that the maximum pressures are not exceeded. Note that up to 20% ethanol or up to 5% isopropanol may be substituted for the solvents recommended below.
SUPELCOGEL K Mobile Phase: 0.1M K2HPO4 Flow: 0.1 mL/min. Temperature: 85 °C Time: 4-16 hours
SUPELCOGEL Pb & 8 Pb Mobile Phase: 0.1M Pb(NO3)2 Flow: 0.1 mL/min. Temperature: 85 °C Time: 4-16 hours
SUPELCOGEL Ca & 8 Ca Mobile Phase: 0.1M Ca(NO3)2 at a pH of 6.3 Flow: 0.1 mL/min. Temperature: 85 °C Time: 4-16 hours
SUPELCOGEL H, C-610H, C-611, & 8H Mobile Phase: 10/90 CH3CN/0.01NH3PO4 Flow: 0.1 mL/min. Time: 3-4 hours at 25 °C
SUPELCOGEL Ag1 & Ag2 No recommended cleaning procedures.
Any additional cleaning procedures are as a last resort to prolong the column life, because the addition of organic solvents will cause the resin to swell resulting in an increase in pressure. Monitor the system closely to insure that the maximum pressures are not exceeded. To remove organic contamination, pump the columns in reverse flow at 0.1 mL/min. with 5:95 acetonitrile:water at 25 °C for 4 hours.