- Migration of Dictyostelium slugs: anterior-like cells may provide the motive force for the prespore zone.
Migration of Dictyostelium slugs: anterior-like cells may provide the motive force for the prespore zone.
The collective motion of cells in a biological tissue originates from their individual responses to chemical and mechanical signals. The Dictyostelium slug moves as a collective of up to 100,000 cells with prestalk cells in the anterior 10-30% and prespore cells, intermingled with anterior-like cells (AL cells), in the posterior. We used traction force microscopy to measure the forces exerted by migrating slugs. Wild-type slugs exert frictional forces on their substratum in the direction of motion in their anterior, balanced by motive forces dispersed down their length. StlB- mutants lack the signal molecule DIF-1 and hence a subpopulation of AL cells. They produce little if any motive force in their rear and immediately break up. This argues that AL cells, but not prespore cells, are the motive cells in the posterior zone. Slugs also exert large outward radial forces, which we have analyzed during "looping" movement. Each time the anterior touches down after a loop, the outward forces rapidly develop, approximately normal to the almost stationary contact lines. We postulate that these forces result from the immediate binding of the sheath to the substratum and the subsequent application of outward "pressure," which might be developed in several different ways.