Analytical Method Parameters:
Column: Supelcogel C610H 7.8 x 300 mm
Mobile Phase: 0.1% Phosphoric acid in water
Flow Rate: 0.5 mL/min
Column Temperature: 30°C
Injection Volume: 25 µL
Detector: DAD, Wavelength: 210 nm
The column Supelcogel C610H 7.8 x 300 mm corresponds to the Cat No# 59320-U in the catalog. It's important to note that Supelcogel columns differ from typical LC columns as they do not tolerate organic solvents. Even residual organic solvent in the HPLC lines/injector can cause swelling in the column and result in poor column performance. Users should be reminded to carefully read the manual and thoroughly purge the instrument of organic solvents when using this column.