The critical temperature for this product is not recorded. However, the website states the manufacturer as Goodfellow in the "Properties" section of the product page. Goodfellow's product number to this item is 388-901-65. You may find it helpful to view the pdf Goodfellow provides that lists the physical characteristics and thermal properties of all the chemicals used in their products. This product contains Niobium, Titanium, and Copper. Pages 192, 195, and 198 list those chemicals and their properties.
Please see the manufacture Content pdf:
There is a specific value assigned to each superconductor metal - for Nb it is 9.25 Kelvin and for Ti it is 0.40 Kelvin. The critical temperature for a NbTi Alloy superconductor is approximately 10 Kelvin. More information on the development of this superconductor material can be found in this reference: