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SeQuant® HILIC HPLC Columns

Section Overview

Complete Range for Separations of All Polar Hydrophilic Compounds

SeQuant® HILIC (hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography) HPLC columns constitute a range of high-performance tools for separating polar hydrophilic compounds. All columns carry densely bonded, truly zwitterionic functional groups with a charge balance of 1:1. Separation is achieved by hydrophilic partitioning combined with weak ionic interactions for maximum selectivity, high loadability and easy optimization of methods.

Features and Benefits

  • High-performance HPLC and LC-MS separations of polar hydrophilic compounds
  • Zwitterionic stationary phase ensures reproducible retention
  • Two complementary phase chemistries
  • Maximum LC-MS compatibility with minimized column bleed
  • Excellent reproducibility and robustness
  • Available in a variety of lengths, particle sizes, and pore dimensions

Choose Your SeQuant® HILIC Selectivity

SeQuant® ColumnFunctional GroupFeaturesBase ParticleParticle SizePore SizeColumn Types
High-performance selectivity and robustnesssilica3.5 µm, 5 µm100 Å, 200 Åanalytical, capillary, semi-prep, guards
SeQuant® ZIC®-cHILIC
Complementary selectivity with favorable LC-MS performancesilica3 µm100 Åanalytical, capillary, guards
SeQuant® ZIC®-pHILIC
High pH-stability and low noise with ion detectorspolymer5 µm analytical, guards


Sulfobetaine (SB)

The ZIC®-HILIC Column is designed to retain and separate all types of polar and hydrophilic compounds and for robust chromatography with high selectivity and reproducibility. The silica-based ZIC®-HILIC sorbent has a bonded stationary phase consisting of a highly polar, permanent zwitterion. Separation selectivity is favored by the 1:1 zwitterion charge balance, which makes the ZIC®-HILIC Column overall neutral, with weak, but important, ionic interactions. Tuning of the selectivity on the ZIC®-HILIC Column during method development is facilitated by the pH-inpendent permanent zwitterion, ensuring that only the analytes (and not the column) is affected during eluent optimization.

SeQuant® ZIC®-cHILIC

Phosphorylcholine (PC)

SeQuant® ZIC®-cHILIC is designed for excellent HPLC and LC-MS of polar hydrophilic compounds. This new zwitterionic stationary phase with phosphorylcholine functional group provides you with complementary selectivity for easier method development for substances that have been difficult to separate by previous types of HPLC columns operated in reversed-phase or HILIC mode.

SeQuant® ZIC®-cHILIC

Isocratic separations of the positively charged benzyltrimethylamine (BTMA, peaks indicated with arrows) and the neutral toluene (void marker), uracil and cytosine on ZIC®-cHILIC (left) and ZIC®-HILIC (right) illustrating differences and similarities in selectivity caused by the different charge orientation of the zwitterionic functional groups (see illustrations). Column dimensions were 100 x 4.6 mM, particles size 3 or 3.5 µm, and pore size 100 Å. Eluent was 80 : 20 acetonitrile/ 25 mM aqueous ammonium acetate pH 6.8 pumped at 0.5 mL/min at 23 °C. Detection by UV absorption at 254 nm.

SeQuant® ZIC®-pHILIC

The ZIC®-pHILIC stationary phase has the same highly polar, bonded, permanent zwitterion, functional group as the silica based ZIC®-HILIC Column. The user can therefore expect the same selectivity, however, with a trade-off in flow-rate range, and separation efficiency, common with polymeric materials. The more durable support allows for use in an extended pH range, which can be beneficial for certain applications.

Example of enhanced selectivity at high pH The application example below illustrates how the selectivity of the ZIC®-pHILIC material can be enhanced by performing the separation at elevated pH. The chromatograms show isocratic separations of gentisic acid, protocatechuic acid and isophthalic acid on a ZIC®-pHILIC Column. The pH-increase also results in higher retention and improved peak shape for these analytes.

SeQuant® ZIC®-pHILIC

Ordering Information

SeQuantLength (mm)ID (mm)ZIC®-HILIC 200A, 5 µmZIC®-HILIC 100A, 3.5 µmZIC®-HILIC 200A, 3.5 µmZIC®-cHILIC 100A, 3µmZIC®-pHILIC, 5µm
HPLC Column502.11.504501.504401.504451.506561.50459
HPLC Column504.61.50451 1.504461.506591.50463
HPLC Column5021.21.50496    
HPLC Column1002.11.504521.504411.504471.506571.50462
HPLC Column1004.61.50453  1.506601.50464
HPLC Column1502.11.504541.504421.504481.506581.50460
HPLC Column1504.61.504551.504441.504491.506611.50461
HPLC Column150101.50493    
HPLC Column15021.21.50497    
HPLC Column2502.11.504571.50443   
HPLC Column2504.61.50458  1.50662 
HPLC Column250101.50494    
Guard column202.11.504351.50439 1.506641.50437
Guard Kit202.1    1.50438
Capillary column300.3  1.50489  
Capillary column301  1.50478  
Capillary column1500.0751.50465    
Capillary column1500.31.50481 1.504791.50669 
Capillary column15011.504821.504871.504801.50670 
Guard capillary50.31.50492  1.50665 
Guard capillary511.50490  1.50666 
Guard Fitting1411.50434    
Guard Kit2011.50436    
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