Protein Electrophoresis Gels & Buffers
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE are common techniques used for protein separation. Protein gels can be hand-casted or purchased as pre-cast gels for convenience. The percentage of acrylamide in the gel affects resolution of protein bands, with higher percentages of acrylamide useful for resolving low molecular weight proteins and lower percentages of acrylamide useful in resolving higher molecular weight protein bands. Gradient pre-cast gels cover a wider range of molecular weight sizes. Hand-casting gel reagents, pre-cast gels, and running buffer powders are available for your lab needs.
Section Overview
mPAGE® Bis-Tris Precast Gels
mPAGE® Bis-Tris precast gels provide excellent protein resolution at a budget-friendly price. Offering high resolution of protein bands, mPAGE® gels require shorter run times and are compatible with large sample volumes, making mPAGE® precast gels a valuable tool for protein research.
- Publication-ready resolution at a fraction of the cost
- Compatible with popular electrophoresis tanks
- Up to 80 μL sample per well
- Efficient wet and semi-dry Western blot transfer
- Up to 15-minute shorter run time
- Neutral pH prevents protein modification
- Durable to prevent tearing during post-electrophoresis processing
- Excellent compatibility with the popular gel running equipment and tanks including Thermo/Invitrogen, Bio-Rad®, and others
mPAGE® TurboMix Bis-Tris Gel Casting Solutions
Cast your own polyacrylamide gels using mPAGE® TurboMix Bis-Tris kits and solutions. mPAGE® TurboMix Bis-Tris Gel Casting Kits eliminate the variability and time-consuming nature of hand-casting gels by supplying pre-mixed buffer and acrylamide solutions.
- Premixed and ready-to-pour acrylamide buffer solutions reduce hands-on prep time
- Quick Cast protocol allows simultaneous polymerization of resolving and stacking gels
- Neutral pH running conditions result in reduced protein modification and sharper bands compared to standard Tris-glycine gels
- Easily dilute to any required percentage acrylamide gel between 8% and 15%, to separate proteins 6 kDa – 400 kDa in size
- Electrophoresis in as little as 20 minutes
- Longer cast gel shelf life (3-4 weeks, with proper storage)
Running Buffers for Bis-Tris Gels
Two buffers that can be used as running buffers for SDS-PAGE gels: MES and MOPS. MES has a lower pKa than MOPS, which enables faster run times. MES buffer gives better separation of proteins at lower molecular weights, while MOPS buffer provides better separation at higher molecular weights. MES and MOPS SDS buffer powders are available for fast and easy preparation of running buffer for protein gel electrophoresis.
Other Reagents for Pouring Gels by Hand
PAGE and SDS-PAGE gels can be hand-casted using acrylamide/bisacrylamide with TEMED and ammonium persulfate to polymerize the gel. The reagents are prepared, mixed together, then poured between two glass plates to polymerize. Acrylamide and bisacrylamide are neurotoxins in solution, so care should be taken to avoid direct contact. High purity TEMED, ammonium persulfate, and bisacrylamide and acrylamide in powder or solution form are available for hand casting gels.
Related Resources
- Article: How to Run an mPAGE® Protein Gel Using a Bio-Rad Electrophoresis System
Instructions for setting up an mPAGE SDS-PAGE precast protein gel for gel electrophoresis using a Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® electrophoresis system.
- Article: How to Run an mPAGE® Protein Gel Using an Invitrogen XCell Surelock® Mini-Cell Electrophoresis System
Instructions for setting up an mPAGE™ SDS-PAGE precast protein gel for gel electrophoresis using an Invitrogen XCell Surelock® mini-cell.
- Handbook: Protein Blotting Tips and Tricks
This handbook represents the collective experience of our application scientists, who are actively engaged in advancing the science of protein blotting and detection.
- Brochure: Western Blotting Workflow
Explore our products designed to improve each step of the Western blotting workflow.
- Article: Western Blotting Protocol (Immunoblotting Protocol)
Western blot protocol details protein transfer from gels to nitrocellulose, crucial for immunoblotting procedures in research.
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